Skin-Disfiguring Parasite That Plagues Middle East, Latin America and Asia Now Detected in US, CDC Warns

Skin-Disfiguring Parasite That Plagues Middle East, Latin America and Asia Now Detected in US, CDC Warns


A skin-disfiguring parasite has landed in America.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a parasite known as Leishmania may already be endemic in Texas and other southern states, CBS News reported.

The parasite, which is transmitted through the bites of infected female sandflies, causes a disease known as leishmaniasis, resulting in skin sores that develop weeks after the bite has occurred.

Cases of leishmaniasis typically affect individuals who have traveled abroad to tropical or subtropical regions.

However, the CDC has recently discovered 86 Leishmania cases from individuals who have no recent travel history outside America, NBC News reported.

Researchers also identified an exclusive Leishmania strain that exhibited distinct genetic characteristics compared to cases associated with travel. This means that the strain was likely spreading locally.

Per the CDC’s website, Leishmaniasis is a “parasitic disease that is found in parts of the tropics, subtropics and southern Europe.

“It is classified as a neglected tropical disease. Leishmaniasis is caused by infection with Leishmania parasites, which are spread by the bite of phlebotomine sand flies,” the website explains.

“There are several different forms of leishmaniasis in people,” it continues. “The most common forms are cutaneous leishmaniasis, which causes skin sores, and visceral leishmaniasis, which affects several internal organs (usually spleen, liver, and bone marrow).”

“Sometimes you don’t even notice that you’ve been bitten,” said Dr. Mary Kamb, a medical epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, according to CNN.

“People could be asymptomatic and not develop anything, but when people are symptomatic, they develop ulcers on their skin and sometimes it starts like a little tiny volcano with a crater in it,” she added. “We need to increase the awareness among clinicians, dermatologists, infectious disease doctors or general practitioners.”

Meanwhile, NBC quoted the assistant director of the molecular microbiology clinical laboratory at UW Medicine, Joshua Lieberman, assuring people that the risk of infection was “vanishingly small.”

“Our understanding of leishmaniasis acquired in the U.S. is still really evolving,” said Lieberman. “It’s not clear to me whether the true rate of new infections is increasing or we’re just getting better at detecting it, or both.

“For the general public, if you’re not traveling to endemic areas, your risk is vanishingly small,” he added.

For those that do get infected, Lieberman said there are various treatment options available

“The good news is treatment is going to be much more mild for the disease type that we’re seeing in the U.S,. but for returning travelers who may have more severe disease or other types of infections that go to organs or go to the insides of the nose and the mouth, those can require toxic drugs,” he said.

Last month, The Western Journal reported on the existence of a “parasitic brain worm” known in scientific circles as Angiostrongylus cantonensis. According to the CDC, the parasite was discovered in various coastal states and is believed to have originated in Asia.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035


New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently announced that the state will phase out the sale of new cars that run on gas by 2035. This is similar to what the Democrat governor of New Mexico has said. Other states are making similar moves.

These people will not be in office in 2035. Why are they able to make decisions now that will affect people in their states over ten years from now?

This is part of the Democrats’ grand plan for a green push. They’re not waiting for the country to be ready for it, they don’t even care if people want it, they’re just doing what they want to do.

The Hill reported:

New Jersey to phase out new gas-powered vehicles by 2035

New Jersey will phase out the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, joining states such as California and New York, Gov. Phil Murphy (D) announced Wednesday.

The Advanced Clean Cars II rule, set to take effect Jan. 1, will make the Garden State the 11th state on such a trajectory, joining Vermont, Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, Virginia, Rhode Island, Maryland and Connecticut. The rule, which California originated in 2022, will have no effect on use or ownership of existing gas-powered vehicles or used car sales.

New Jersey has already adopted an emissions standard for trucks that also originated in California.

“By filing the landmark Advanced Clean Cars II rule, New Jersey builds upon its standing as a national leader in climate action and its participation in the global Accelerating to Zero commitment,” Murphy said in a statement. “The steps we take today to lower emissions will improve air quality and mitigate climate impacts for generations to come, all while increasing access to cleaner car choices. Indeed, together with my Administration’s continuing investments in voluntary electric vehicle incentives, charging infrastructure, and the green economy, these new standards will preserve consumer choice and promote affordability for hardworking New Jerseyans across the state.”

In the future that they envision for the rest of us, the only people who will be able to own a car are the wealthy and powerful. Everyone else will be expected to use public transportation.

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Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation

Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation


When we say the word “Thanks-giving,” it presumes the giving of thanks.

But to whom is that thanks given?

Since the first Thanksgiving on Plymouth Rock and its subsequent establishment as a day of thanks on Oct. 3, 1789, the recipient of that thanks on behalf of the United States of America has always been God.

But in keeping with the destruction of everything good and virtuous in this nation, this year, God has been removed as the recipient of thanks on Thanksgiving.

On Wednesday, President Biden released his Thanksgiving proclamation for 2023.

For the first time in American history, the proclamation completely omitted any reference to God or faith.

A Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2023 | The White House

— Ron Leshnower (@RonLeshnower) November 22, 2023

As a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values, this disturbing omission shows how far we have strayed from the original spirit behind America’s national day of Thanksgiving.

The pilgrims who celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621 were devout Christians fleeing religious persecution. Their celebration followed a brutal first year in the New World, where nearly half their population perished. Despite unimaginable hardship, their faith remained unshaken. They credited God for sustaining them and bringing them their first successful harvest.

This theme carried through the centuries, with presidents honoring God in their Thanksgiving proclamations. George Washington implored all Americans to acknowledge God’s “providence,” and to “unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations.”

On Nov. 28, 1861, Lincoln declared that all government offices would be closed on Thanksgiving Day, writing in his proclamation, “No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things…I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”

Former President Donald Trump proclaimed in his 2020 Thanksgiving address, “On Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for the abundant blessings in our lives…I encourage all Americans to gather, in homes and places of worship, to offer a prayer of thanks to God for our many blessings.”

While some president’s speeches may have been more devout than others over the years, Biden is the first president to delete God from his Thanksgiving proclamation altogether.

In his proclamation, Biden declared, “This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for our Nation and the incredible soul of America.”

Grateful to whom?

Gratitude without a recipient is like a fake Christmas gift under a department store tree. The wrapping is pretty, but it’s ultimately worthless and empty.

Sadly, Thanksgiving has been becoming a more secular holiday with every passing year, and it seems like Biden decided to put the final nail in the coffin.

If we cannot even name the ultimate Source in which all Americans, regardless of creed, are rooted historically, we are adrift from the moorings with no destination and no anchor to hold us firm.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


LAUGHABLE: Biden and Democrats Preparing 2024 Message That Trump Will Make the Border Crisis Worse

LAUGHABLE: Biden and Democrats Preparing 2024 Message That Trump Will Make the Border Crisis Worse


The Biden campaign and Democrats are apparently crafting a message for voters in 2024 that will suggest Trump will make the border crisis worse.

No one believes this. Even Democrats in their hearts, could not possibly believe this.

Just a few years ago under Trump, we had the most secure border we have ever had. Since Biden took office, it’s like we don’t even have a southern border. Biden has allowed millions of people to illegally cross into the country and even people in blue cities are finally getting angry about it.

This message from Biden and Dems is gaslighting, pure and simple.

Breitbart News reports:

Biden’s 2024 Border Pitch: Trump Will Make Migration Worse

President Joe Biden’s campaign is previewing their 2024 theme for the central issue of immigration: Donald Trump will make the border chaos even worse.

“He’s promising to make it worse: Rounding up Latinos into mass detention camps, ending birthright citizenship, and shooting people at will,” says a Thanksgiving Day script from the Biden campaign.

The Democrat pitch completely ignores Biden’s border record.

Since 2021, Biden has helped his corporate donors by extracting millions of migrants from poor countries to help flood the U.S. labor and housing markets. Those migrants gravitated toward the major Democrat-run cities, spiked inflation, reduced wages, and drained job-creating investment from heartland states…

Trump’s border policies helped Americans get better jobs at higher wages and move into new homes at lower costs.

People who live on the border know the truth better than anyone.

Today, I am proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President.

Now more than ever, America needs a President who will secure the border and prioritize national security.

President Trump is the clear choice to get the job done.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) November 19, 2023

.@RepMonicaDLC gives stark details on why President Trump’s border plan was way more effective than Bidens:

“We had the safest border in American history. Under President Joe Biden, we have seen the most unsecure, open border policies EVER in American history with over 450%…

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 21, 2023

Even Democrats know the truth, they just don’t want to shut down the border, and they won’t if Biden stays in office.

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Jesse Watters Says He May File Restraining Order Against Joy Behar

Jesse Watters Says He May File Restraining Order Against Joy Behar


WARNING: The following article and video contain language that some viewers may find offensive.

The progressive ABC talk show “The View” often devolves into Orwellian Two-Minutes-Hate sessions for the daytime TV crowd. The hosts take turns smearing the deplorable of the moment while the audience dutifully applauds each talking point. But co-host Joy Behar may have crossed a line during a recent “View” gripe fest.

Behar was defending some LGBT-inflected holiday junk for sale at Target, which included a “pride” themed version of the traditional nutcracker soldier figurine.

Behar went there, and suggested using the nutcracker to commit physical violence against a specific part of Fox host Jesse Watters’ anatomy.

Watters had previously featured a segment on his show “Jesse Watters Primetime” criticizing the products and the woke agenda behind them.

Watters heard Behar’s implied threat. The Fox News host, potentially joking, commented a report and possibly even a restraining order would be filed against Behar.

During the video of “The View” segment, the co-hosts managed to not only threaten Watters, but to also slam Fox News, Republicans, Christians and House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Considering the topic was a tacky holiday toy, it’s amazing the rambling co-hosts managed to squeeze in so many members of their enemies list. Or maybe it’s not surprising, because it often seems like there’s nothing that tolerant progressives enjoy more than ranting about all the people they despise.

In his response, Watters acknowledged people have the right to buy a “pride” nutcracker, Target has a right to sell it and he can say whatever he wants about it.

But the ladies of “The View” didn’t think Watters had a right to voice his opinions.

“They threatened to crack my nuts,” Watters said, in a clip shared on social media.

Watters concluded with a kind of a punchline that suggested his intent was mockery more than litigation.

“And under New York’s red flag law, we’ve asked the police to confiscate all of Joy’s nutcrackers for my safety, and the safety of all men everywhere.”

Controversial red flag laws are meant to preemptively disarm supposedly dangerous people before they act.

Watters topped Behar’s sick joke with one at her expense, but the real sick joke is the Target merchandise being debated.

In the segment, Behar got it totally wrong, claiming the “pride” nutcracker has nothing to do with sex. According to the lexicons of the left, what else are the “pride” colors and symbols but an assertive display of degenerate sexuality?

Target damaged itself earlier this year with controversial “pride”-themed products, but the retail giant seems slow to learn the lesson of “Get woke, go broke.” Imposing LGBT content onto an icon of one of the biggest, most important Christian holidays in America was not a wise marketing decision.

Many anticipate Target will have a dismal Christmas season, driven by those boycotting the woke inclinations of the company.

Pride was traditionally known as one of the seven deadly sins. It’s definitely not what Christmas is really about.

While it is great Watters keeps sparring against the establishment media, it is good to reflect that what we could all use more of this Christmas is humility.


This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Jesse Watters Says He May File Restraining Order Against Joy Behar appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.