Shocking Revelation: No Air Marshals on Flights Currently — Focus Shifts to “Passing Waters” at the Border for Illegal Immigrants and Tracking Innocent Individuals from January 6 Events (VIDEO)

Shocking Revelation: No Air Marshals on Flights Currently — Focus Shifts to “Passing Waters” at the Border for Illegal Immigrants and Tracking Innocent Individuals from January 6 Events (VIDEO)

 Sonya LaBosco, the Director of the Air Marshal National Council

In a recent interview with FOX News, Sonya LaBosco, the director of the Air Marshal National Council, dropped a bombshell revelation about the current situation of US air security. According to her, in the current conditions, regular commercial flights will not be serviced by air marshals.

LaBosco explained that the air marshals have been reassigned for the past two years under the Biden regime. They’re either stationed at the border dealing with illegal immigration or tracking individuals linked to the January 6, 2021 events, irrespective of their involvement in any criminal activities.

This revelation comes at a time when TSA is projected to screen a record 30 million passengers during the Thanksgiving period. Despite this, air marshals continue to be stationed down at the border, focusing on administrative work rather than ensuring air security.

“The TSA is expected to screen a record 30 million passengers this Thanksgiving, and it comes as 169 terror suspects were encountered at the southern border last fiscal year, more than the previous six years combined,” said FOX News reporter Carley Shimkus, adding, “Give us an update on the situation with air marshals. Are they still getting sent down to the southern border?”

“Carly, nothing has changed since we’ve been fighting this for almost two years. The air marshals are still down on the border. We are not flying right now. We just received an email last week that the resources are depleted as far as our flying air marshals. So, we are ushering in illegal immigrants on the border and leaving the traveling public unsafe,” said LaBosco.

LaBosco indicated that the decision to relieve air marshals from their standard duty of protecting flights lies within the powers of DHS Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator David Pekoske.

“We are working with Congress. We’re working with the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. Senator Cruz recently sent out a letter requesting information on why are we diverting our only resource to secure our aviation and sending them down on the border. And remember, the only thing we’re doing on the border is passing out water. We’re not doing law enforcement duties,” said LaBosco.

LaBosco’s many appeals to these officials have gleaned no solutions. She expressed concern over the inadequate security measures in place, both at the borders and in the aviation sector, undermining the safety of the American public.

“Secretary Mayorkas has said more than once that the border is secure. So he is not concerned with that. But we all know that the border is not secure. He will not call this a crisis. But now, not only is the border destabilized, so is our aviation is destabilized as well,” LaBosco said.

More shockingly, Sonya LaBosco revealed that a group coined as “Quiet Skies” has been focusing on individuals who happened to be in the National Capitol region during January 2021, tagging them as possible threats. This tracking happens regardless of whether they participated in the Capitol event or other activities surrounding that timeframe.

Any person within the vicinity for any reason, even innocent activities such as attending a funeral or a job interview, is potentially put on this domestic terrorist list and followed by air marshals during their travels.

Carley Shimkus: What do you mean by that? You’re following January 2021. People. What does that mean?

Sonya LaBosco: That means our primary mission is a little group called Quiet Skies. It’s a mission called Quiet Skies that we’re following people that flew into the National Capitol region in January 2021. You did not have to go to the Capitol or the rally, and you’d been put on a specific list that TSA now has assigned Air Marshals to follow these people who have not had any type of criminal investigation. They haven’t committed a crime, but yet, three years later, we’re following the same individuals day in and day out.

Carley Shimkus: So you’re saying that Air Marshals are now following people that were at the Capitol on January 6, and they’re not tracking terrorists at all?

Sonya LaBosco: Well, they didn’t even have to be at the Capitol, Carly. They could have just flown into the National Capitol region. So if anybody was there for a job interview to visit family, we even had a gentleman that was there for a funeral. They put on this domestic terrorist list just because of their geographic location to Washington, DC. So, these people did not even commit a crime. They weren’t even at the Capitol.

Carley Shimkus: Do those people know that they’re on this list?

Sonya LaBosco: Some of them do because when they go to the airport… they have to go through enhanced security. Then they’re followed by teams of Air Marshals on any leg of flight that they have. So, yes, a lot of them do know that they’re being followed, yet they haven’t been vetted, and they have not committed a crime. And three years later, we’re still doing the same duty, and we followed the same people over and over for three years who are no threat to this country.

Quiet Skies is a program by the TSA that uses air marshals to track and observe suspicious passengers. The program’s goal is to identify travelers who may pose a risk to aviation security, in short, a terrorist.

Air marshals observe passengers’ behavior in airports and on flights. They take notes and send detailed reports to the TSA. The program is an expansion of a practice where air marshals surveil subjects of open FBI terrorism investigations.

According to DHS, “TSA uses Quiet Skies rules to create a temporary Quiet Skies List to designate passengers who fall within the Quiet Skies subset of rules for enhanced screening on some subsequent domestic and outbound international travel. Individuals will remain on the Quiet Skies List for a period of time.”

LaBosco ended her interview with a stark warning for Americans, suggesting they should be mindful of their own safety while on flights.

“I think you should be very concerned when you’re boarding the aircraft. You need to look around to see who you might be able to ask to help you, like a Good Samaritan, because you’re on your own. If anything happens, please don’t wait. There’s going to be no law enforcement that’s going to help you. So you need to have a plan,” said LaBosco.

WATCH via FOX News:

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Hungary’s Orbán Proposes Legislation Protecting National Sovereignty, Will Send Survey to Voters Inquiring on EU’s Policies on Migration, Ukraine Aid

Hungary’s Orbán Proposes Legislation Protecting National Sovereignty, Will Send Survey to Voters Inquiring on EU’s Policies on Migration, Ukraine Aid


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is a conservative champion.

All over the world, eyes are fixated on him, trying to learn how he manages to keep his country a sovereign entity, in face of the constant pressure from the European Union, that Orbán called ‘a bad imitation of the Soviet Union’.

Brussels is in a constant push for its Globalist insane policies, from unchecked mass migration to transgenderism, passing through the climate alarmist fake policies, censorship of the masses, and the inevitable support for Ukraine military needs.

Every step of the way, we see Budapest acting as a check against the lunacy, with popular Prime Minister Orbán daring to do the unthinkable: put his national interests first.

Now, Hungarian ruling Fidesz party has submitted to parliament a new bill protecting its national sovereignty. The bill aims to defend against what it called ‘undue political interference by foreign persons or groups’.

Reuters reported:

“The legislation comes as nationalist Orbán, who over the past 13 years has clashed repeatedly with the European Union over democratic rights in Hungary, has stepped up his party’s campaign ahead of European Parliament elections next June.”

Once again, Orbán denied accusations he was ‘undermining democracy’ in Budapest.

“The bill would set up a separate authority to explore and monitor risks of political interference and recommend changes in regulations. It would also punish banned foreign financing for parties or groups running for election with up to three years in prison.

‘Hungary’s sovereignty is impaired — and it also carries a heightened risk to national security — if political power gets into the hands of persons or organizations dependent on any foreign power, organization or person’, the bill said.”

Orbán has a two-thirds majority in parliament that allows his Fidesz to change any legislation.

“The EU has suspended billions of euros of funding to Hungary over a rule-of-law dispute during the tenure of Orbán, who has appealed to conservative voters by portraying himself as a defender of Hungary’s national interests.”

This legislation comes after Hungary’s government just days ago released a set of questions for an informal survey it will send to voters.

The ‘national consultation’ deals on a number of divisive issues including migration, LGBTQ+ rights and support for Ukraine.

It includes a proposal ‘to block further European Union assistance to Kyiv’ unless the bloc releases frozen funds to Hungary.

The survey is part of the constant pushback against the EU, always trying to force policies on Hungary.

The surveys will strengthen Hungary’s bargaining position in Brussels, demonstrating a national consensus on the thorny political issues.

Associated Press reported:

“One question asks whether Hungary should block an EU plan to provide a four-year, 50 billion euro (nearly $53 billion) aid package for Ukraine unless the bloc unfreezes billions in assistance to Hungary that it has held up over concerns that the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has failed to uphold rule-of-law and human rights standards.

‘They are asking Hungary for additional support (for Ukraine) even as our country has not received the EU funds due to it’, says one segment of the survey. ‘We should not pay more to support Ukraine until we have received the money we are owed’, one possible answer says.”

The surveys are not legally binding, and are sent by mail to every Hungarian of voting age.

One question says the EU ‘wants to create migrant ghettos in Hungary’ and asks whether respondents think Hungary should ‘accept Brussels’ migration plans’.

“Another says the EU wants Hungary to repeal a contentious law that bans the availability of LGBTQ+ content to minors and warns of “aggressive LGBTQ propaganda” targeting children.

The survey includes other questions about Ukraine, including a proposal that the EU cease military aid to Kyiv and opposition to talks over Ukraine eventually becoming an EU member.”

Read more:

Slovakia Goes to the Polls and May Distance Itself From Ukraine – Bratislava Has Banned Grain From Kiev – Ex-PM Robert Fico Poised to Win and Turn Country Away From War

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Biden Calls a Lid, Not Expected to Address Car Explosion at US-Canadian Border Near Niagara Falls

Biden Calls a Lid, Not Expected to Address Car Explosion at US-Canadian Border Near Niagara Falls


A vacationing Joe Biden called a lid Wednesday afternoon and is not expected to address the car explosion at the US-Canadian border near Niagara Falls.

Biden, on vacation in Nantucket, called a lid at 3:34 pm.

Not like anything important is happening.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 22, 2023

The Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls, which connects the U.S. and Canada was shut down due to an explosion in what appears to be a terrorist attack.

Surveillance video released on Wednesday afternoon showed a vehicle going airborne before it struck the inspection point and exploded.


Surveillance camera video shows vehicle at US-Canada border going airborne at Niagara Falls.

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 22, 2023

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is in Nantucket, Massachusetts hanging out a billionaire’s estate.

Biden arrived in Nantucket Tuesday evening and hid all day Wednesday.

President Biden arrives on #Nantucket just after 8pm aboard Air Force One for his annual Thanksgiving visit

— Nantucket Current (@ACKCurrent) November 22, 2023

Biden is once again spending Thanksgiving at private equity billionaire David Rubenstein’s $39 million 14-acre Nantucket estate.

David Rubenstein’s Nantucket estate

The White House refuses to say whether Joe Biden is paying Rubenstein to stay at his estate.

White House, billionaire David Rubenstein won’t say if Biden paying for Thanksgiving stay in Nantucket
“I thought the new rules are that officials can’t accept hospitality from billionaires!” said Tom Fitton, president of conservative legal group @JudicialWatch.…

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) November 22, 2023

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Here Come the ‘Super Pigs’: Wild Crossbreed Boars Are Spreading Out of Control, Down From Canada to Northern US

Here Come the ‘Super Pigs’: Wild Crossbreed Boars Are Spreading Out of Control, Down From Canada to Northern US


A different kind of invasion threatens the northern US border.

Stories about endangered animal species, sad and worrying as they may be, are a dime a dozen.

For decades we’ve been bombarded with thousands of tales about how human activity was imperiling the survival of a variety of species, from whales and dolphins to the Brazilian Golden Monkey, with everything in between.

But there is now another kind of wildlife story in play, of an inverse nature.

It turns out that an ‘exploding population’ of ‘super pigs’ from Canada is coming south of the border, and northern states like Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana are starting to experience the disruptive nature of this wild boars.

These animals are said to be ‘very hard-to-eradicate’ – meaning it’s nearly impossible to kill them fast enough!

Associated Press reported:

“In Canada, the wild pigs roaming Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba pose a new threat. They are often crossbreeds that combine the survival skills of wild Eurasian boar with the size and high fertility of domestic swine to create a “super pig” that’s spreading out of control.

Ryan Brook, a professor at the University of Saskatchewan and one of Canada’s leading authorities on the problem, calls feral swine, ‘the most invasive animal on the planet’ and ‘an ecological train wreck’.”

Pigs are originally Eurasian animals, not native to North America – but have been domesticated for centuries on the New World.

Canada’s problem started in the 1980s. Farmers started raising wild boar, but when the market collapsed some just set the animals free, starting a process that’s already become irreversible in some Canadian provinces.

“It turned out that the pigs were very good at surviving Canadian winters. Smart, adaptable and furry, they eat anything, including crops and wildlife. They tear up land when they root for bugs and crops. They can spread devastating diseases to hog farms like African swine fever. And they reproduce quickly. A sow can have six piglets in a litter and raise two litters in a year.

That means 65% or more of a wild pig population could be killed every year and it will still increase.”

Feral swine have caused over $2.5 billion in damage to U.S. crops every year, and can be aggressive toward humans. A woman in Texas was killed by wild boars in 2019.

“Eradication of wild pigs is no longer possible in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Brook said. But the situation isn’t hopeless everywhere and a few U.S. states have eliminated them. The key, he said, is having a detection system that finds them early and fast, and then responding quickly.”

Feral swine have been reported in at least 35 US states, according to the USDA.


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TRAGIC NEWS: Israel Informed by Qatar that Hamas Has Not Yet Signed Ceasefire Agreement and Has Moved First Release of Hostages to Friday Morning

TRAGIC NEWS: Israel Informed by Qatar that Hamas Has Not Yet Signed Ceasefire Agreement and Has Moved First Release of Hostages to Friday Morning

 Dozens of young women were taken hostage by Hamas during their Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel.

This is tragic news.

Israel was informed on Wednesday that, according to intermediary Qatar, Hamas has yet to sign the hostage release deal.

That means the first release of the hostages will be delayed to at least Friday morning.

Israeli NSA Tzachi Hanegbi announces a 24-hour delay in implementation of hostage release deal because Hamas & Qatar have yet to sign. No releases tomorrow.

— Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي (@NTarnopolsky) November 22, 2023

Isreal will reportedly continue its attacks on Hamas tomorrow.

Israel was informed by Qatar that Hamas had not signed the agreement at 23:00 Israel time. Qatar has said that the new time for the release of the hostages is 7 AM on Friday, Israel time.

— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) November 22, 2023

The 24 hour delay in the hostage release is because Hamas has not signed the agreement.

Israeli media reporting that the 24 hour delay in the hostage release is because Hamas has not signed the agreement.

Absolute torture for the families who thought their loved ones were coming home tomorrow.

— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 22, 2023

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