SICK: California Male Nanny Receives Over 700-Year Sentence for Molesting 16 Young Boys and Filming His Crimes

SICK: California Male Nanny Receives Over 700-Year Sentence for Molesting 16 Young Boys and Filming His Crimes

Matthew Antonio Zakrzewski, a male nanny from ​Costa Mesa in Orange County, California, was sentenced to an unprecedented 705 years to life plus an additional two years and eight months in prison on Friday.

The crimes involved sexually assaulting 16 young boys under his care and showing child pornography to another boy with the intent of further victimization. The victims, aged between 2 and 12 years old, suffered unspeakable abuse at the hands of Zakrzewski, who also recorded many of the assaults, according to the press release.

Zakrzewski, 34, was arrested by detectives from the ​Laguna Beach Police Department on May 17, 2019, shortly after arriving at a local airport from an international flight. Initially facing three felony charges related to lewd acts with a minor and oral copulation of a child under 10, along with a possession of child pornography charge, further investigation led to the identification of additional victims through video evidence and public tips, resulting in an expanded set of charges.

Operating under the moniker “the original Sitter Buddy,” Zakrzewski promoted himself as a “manny” offering various childcare services such as mentoring, big brother relationships, and overnight and vacation babysitting. On his website, he referenced his experience in working with children since eighth grade through his school’s “Buddy Program,” claiming to be committed to making a positive impact on children’s lives.

“In the eighth grade I discovered what a joy it was to work with children and be a positive impact in their lives through my school’s `Buddy Program,’” Zakrzewski stated on the Sitter Buddy website. “Now, I am a full-service TrustLine Certified provider of regular and on-demand childcare, as well as mentoring services for children.”

The crimes were committed between January 2014 and May 2019. In early May 2019, a Laguna Beach couple reported Zakrzewski to the local police after he inappropriately touched their 8-year-old son. Concerned for their child’s safety and the potential risk to other children, the couple had hired Zakrzewski through one of his babysitting websites. The Laguna Beach Police Department’s Major Crimes & Intelligence Unit initiated an investigation, which led to the identification of a second 7-year-old victim in Los Angeles and an additional ten boys from various locations in Southern California.

Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer referred to the case as a tragedy that robbed 17 innocent boys of their childhoods. He denounced Zakrzewski as a manipulative predator who not only destroyed the innocence of these children but also taught them to keep secrets from their parents. Spitzer emphasized the devastating impact of child exploitation, vowing to support the affected families as they navigate the arduous process of healing and rebuilding.

Zakrzewski faced a total of 34 felony counts, including 27 charges of lewd and lascivious acts with a minor under 14, two counts of oral copulation of a child under 10, one count of possessing child pornography, one count of using a minor for sex acts, two counts of distributing pornography to a minor for engaging in sexual conduct, and one count of attempting a lewd or lascivious act with a minor under 14. A jury convicted Zakrzewski on all 34 counts.

During victim impact statements in court, parents expressed their outrage at Zakrzewski’s deceitful facade, blaming themselves for unknowingly allowing a predator into their homes. One mother, wearing a backpack adorned with her 2-year-old son’s photograph, tearfully described the heartbreak of realizing her son’s innocence had been stolen from him.

Zakrzewski, in a statement to the court, showed no remorse or apology for his actions. Several parents covered their ears and wept as he claimed that the positive experiences he shared with the children were genuine. SICK!

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WAYNE ROOT: It’s Time to Start Asking- Is Satan in Charge of the Democrat Party?

WAYNE ROOT: It’s Time to Start Asking- Is Satan in Charge of the Democrat Party?

By Wayne Allyn Root

In the past week, the Biden administration gave another $10 billion dollars to the world’s worst terror state, Iran. What sane person would do that? And why?

Obama gave a hundred billion to Iran a few years back. Biden (and his boss Obama) have given Iran $80 billion more since Biden as elected- including $6 billion only a couple weeks before the Hamas terror attack on Israel.

Biden (and his boss Obama) either directly paid for the Hamas attack on Israel, or emboldened Iran by foolishly giving them billions with no preconditions.

But as bad as that was…at least Biden (and his boss Obama) released all those billions of dollars BEFORE the Hamas attack on Israel.

How can anyone explain the fact that Biden (and his boss Obama) just released another $10 billion to Iran AFTER the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. No one in the world can be that dumb. Not even a brain-dead president wearing diapers. So this is more about evil, than dumb.

But wait, there is more.

Look at our open borders. Who in their right mind would leave our border with Mexico open and wave the whole world in- including violent criminals released from the world’s worst prisons, rapists, murderers, drug traffickers, human traffickers, pedophiles, migrants bringing third world disease, MS-13 gangbangers, Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists, and military-age males from our worst enemy- China.

Did I mention the drugs coming into our open border- like Fentanyl? Drug overdoses kill well over 100,000 Americans a year. The way illicit drugs are pouring through our wide-open border, that number is certain to rise to 150,000 deaths annually, maybe even 200,000, or 250,000.

That’s a lot of dead Americans- mostly young Americans.

Do the math. Over the next decade that could add up to TWO MILLION dead American kids. That’s on top of the million American kids who have already died in recent years from drug overdoses. These are all someone’s sons and daughters.

One of them could one day soon be YOUR child.

Knowing all of this, who could possibly want the border open? Who could possibly want to welcome the whole world in to ruin the greatest nation in world history, ever blessed by God?

Who would wave in fentanyl that will kill huge numbers of American kids? Who would wave in millions of third world foreigners with deadly third world diseases like TB, polio, smallpox, or Ebola? It just can’t be a mistake. No one is this dumb, or incompetent.

This is the intentional destruction of America.

The people who are purposely leaving the border open, allowing America to be overrun by an invasion of barbarians sent by our enemies…that will either bankrupt us all and collapse our economy under a mountain of debt…or kill our children with drug overdoses…or kill us all with disease…or just murder us…

Are the exact same people giving billions of dollars to Iran to fund terrorism all over the world- including monies used to savagely mass murder Jews and even Jewish babies in Israel.

And anyone with a brain knows that because of the open border we will soon be experiencing terrible terror attacks right here in the USA.

The thing is…

We know exactly who is doing these terrible, evil, unimaginable things to America- Joe Biden (and his boss Obama) and the Democrat Party.

Why would anyone allow this? Why would anyone commit both these heinous acts at the same time? Let’s really think about this.

Are they crazy? Mentally insane? Suicide bombers? Communist traitors?

Or could they be “on the take?”

Are Democrats being bribed billions of dollars into offshore accounts to allow our enemies to poison our population, collapse our economy, murder our own people, and destroy the greatest nation in world history?

I’m thinking they’re all getting big bribes from Iran. And even bigger bribes from the Mexican Drug Cartels. And the biggest bribes of all from China. They’ve sold us out. Et tu, Brute?

There is only one other explanation…

Could Biden (and his boss Obama), and the leadership of the Democrat Party be taking orders from the devil himself? Is this Satan’s vision the Democrats are carrying out? Is Satan in charge? Are we in “end times?”

It’s time to really look at what is happening and why. There really is no other rational explanation for the madness of the people running our country.

Democrats are either insane…evil…self-hating suicide bombers…communist traitors…corrupt, bribed and playing for our enemies…or playing for Satan.

These horrifying choices are the only way to explain what is happening to America.

Only God and Donald J. Trump can save us now.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here:

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OUTRAGEOUS: Three Youths Who Carjacked and Dismembered Beloved Louisiana Grandmother Strike Sweetheart Plea Deal – No Murder Charges!

OUTRAGEOUS: Three Youths Who Carjacked and Dismembered Beloved Louisiana Grandmother Strike Sweetheart Plea Deal – No Murder Charges!

Credit: Daily Mail

New Orleans, Louisiana – The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila reported last March that four young thugs carjacked and dismembered a beloved Louisiana grandmother by dragging her to death. Now, three of these youths are getting a generous plea deal.

17-year-old Briniyah Baker, 16-year-old Lenyra Theophile, and Mar’Qel Curtis initially faced second-degree murder charges in the horrifying death of 73-year-old Linda Frickey in March 2022. These carried the possibility of life in prison with no parole.

But the girls’ defense attorneys and prosecutors struck a deal Monday, allowing them to plead guilty to a reduced charge of attempted manslaughter, which carries a 20-year sentence according to the Times-Picayune. Moreover, the youths could be freed in just 15 years for good behavior. A true slap on the wrist for helping end a helpless old woman’s life.

Orleans Parish Criminal District Court Judge Kimya Holmes sentenced the girls in accordance with the plea agreement.

The fourth perpetrator, 18-year-old John Honore, still faces a charge of second-degree murder and the potential of life in prison.

Frickey’s sister Jinnylynn Griffin told WWL 4 that she was relieved after hearing news of the plea deal but also felt “sadness” for the girls.

I felt relief because that’s what we’ve been after this whole time for justice.

What I do feel for them is sadness. They probably did not want to do what they did, as to go as far as the murder, but they still were trying to steal a car. That’s still a felony.

The three female youths apologized to Frickey’s family in court and begged for forgiveness. Frickey’s sister-in-law, Kathy Richard, told 4 WWL that they were sincere and that, hopefully, she believed that everyone could eventually heal.

I think they really were sincere in their apology, and we appreciate that they did admit their guilt and accept their punishment and hopefully as time goes on, everyone can heal.

Laila previously reported that Frickey was caught in her seatbelt after carjackers sped off with her SUV.

Frickey screamed at the teens to let her go, but they ignored her. The grandmother’s clothes and one of her arms were ripped off as they dragged her down the street.

The poor woman was lying naked and bloodied in the streets before Good Samaritans covered her body with a sheet. They then called 911.

It took almost 15 minutes for the ambulance to arrive where paramedics pronounced Frickey dead.

These girls were just as culpable as the man who is facing murder charges. Yet the American justice system once again failed thanks to lazy and liberal prosecutors.

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Israel to Vote on Hostage Deal with Hamas: 40 Children and 13 Moms to be Freed over 4-Day Truce, Right-wing Parties Opposed

Israel to Vote on Hostage Deal with Hamas: 40 Children and 13 Moms to be Freed over 4-Day Truce, Right-wing Parties Opposed

Emily Hand had her 9th birthday in Hamas captivity Friday


It appears Israel has reached a deal with Hamas for a temporary cease-fire in return for the release of some of the hostages, Arutz Sheva reports. The deal is expected to go into effect Thursday, with 12 Israelis being freed every day. All the children and 13 moms are said to be involved in the deal. The right-wing parties oppose the deal, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will go ahead and pass it with the votes of the left-wing parties.

“A political official presented this evening (Tuesday) the outline for the deal to release dozens of hostages from Hamas captivity and emphasizes that “all the security forces, the Shin Bet and the Mossad are in favor of the outline and also the entire war cabinet is united in favor of the proposal, ” Arutz Sheva writes.

“As part of the deal, which is expected to go into effect on Thursday, 12 Israeli hostages will be released every day during the four days of the agreed-upon truce. In the event that Hamas agrees to additional truces – for each day of the truce, ten additional hostages will be released.”

The deal would include the release of 40 children and 13 women in exchange for a five-day ceasefire, JNS reports. The Cabinet will meet at 8 p.m. local time  (1 p.m. Eastern) to approve the agreement with Hamas.

The halt in the fighting could be extended for additional days in exchange for 10 further releases per extra day, the source said. Israel believes Hamas may prove able to locate and release up to 30 further Israeli women and children.

The deal will reportedly also include the release of some 150 to 300 Palestinians jailed in Israel.

The source said the Israeli side was able to achieve significant concessions by not caving to pressure from the Biden Regime and “international community” immediately: “prisoners convicted of murder will not be included in the deal, fuel will be brought into the Gaza Strip only on the days of the ceasefire and there will be no movement of Gaza citizens from the south of the Gaza Strip to the north under the terms of the ceasefire.”

Sounds like a good deal. #BringThemHome

— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) November 21, 2023


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Tuesday that the government will need to make “difficult decisions” with regard to the hostages held by Hamas.

“We are moving step by step toward the total defeat of Hamas and getting closer to bringing the hostages home,” Gallant said following an assessment with military officials at the IDF Gaza Division base.

“I think we will all have to make difficult, important decisions in the coming days,” he added. “There is not a moment throughout this campaign — 45 days — that I don’t think about the hostages.”

The Religious Zionism party headed by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says it cannot agree to the deal, the Times of Israel reports. In a statement to the press, the party called the deal as “bad for Israel’s security, bad for the hostages, and bad for the soldiers of the IDF.”

“The only way to return all the hostages is by continuing the unceasing military pressure on Hamas until total victory,” Religious Zionism said in its statement.

“Religious Zionism will stand strong for the continuing of the war until the total destruction of Hamas, the return of all the hostages, and the elimination of the threat posed by Gaza to Israeli citizens,” it concludes.

The rulie far-right Otzma Yehudit party also says it “will oppose” the burgeoning hostage deal, pushing instead for the Israel Defense Forces to continue its military pressure on Hamas, Times of Israel reported. “Hamas’s agreement to the deal indicates that the IDF is carrying out an effective strike, it is necessary to continue striking the enemy and bring it to a deal under conditions dictated by Israel and not under the very problematic conditions that endanger IDF forces and [makes] distinguishment among the abductees,” a statement from the party reads.

The Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Avi Maoz of the conservative Noam party criticized the deal, Arutz Sheva reports:

“If this is a deal as published in the media, then we are going to be stopping the entire momentum of the war, putting our soldiers at excessive risk and seriously losing our deterrent power in the region. We went to war with the certainty that the way to return our hostages is to occupy the Gaza Strip and eliminate Hamas,” he said.

“I firmly oppose surrendering to terror and international pressure and call on the government to return the army to full combat operation until the mission is completed: full control of the Gaza Strip, the elimination of Hamas and the return of all our hostages.

If the government indeed approves this unfortunate agreement, I demand the minimum from the Prime Minister: an immediate and public commitment not to stop the photography flights to preserve the safety of our soldiers and to return immediately in five days to full and aggressive combat in order to complete the mission: the occupation of the Gaza Strip, the elimination of Hamas, the return of our hostages and the removal of the threat from the communities in the south and north. It is inconceivable that after the terrible shock we experienced on Simchat Torah we will continue to act according to the old concept, like Gantz and Eizenkot are trying to dictate to us.”

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U.S. Army Soldier Blasts Biden Regime After Being Charged for Equipment He was Ordered to Leave During Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

U.S. Army Soldier Blasts Biden Regime After Being Charged for Equipment He was Ordered to Leave During Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

In a poignant and critical statement, “Brock Michael,” a former soldier of the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, has expressed his profound disappointment and frustration with the Biden regime.

Michael, who recently concluded his four-year active duty, shared his grievances in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in day, a standard procedure for departing military personnel.

Michael’s primary contention revolves around being charged an exorbitant amount for military equipment he was ordered to abandon during the tumultuous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. The charges, totaling $3,561, come as a shock to the soldier, especially considering the circumstances under which the gear was left behind.

During the chaotic last moments of the Afghanistan withdrawal, Michael and his fellow soldiers were instructed to leave behind their equipment. This directive, given amidst the pandemonium of the withdrawal, now seems to have financial repercussions for the soldiers involved.

Joe Biden armed the Taliban terrorists with $85 Billion in US weapons and supplies when he surrendered to the Taliban and fled Afghanistan in 2021.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US weapons, armed vehicles, helicopters, ammunition, and piles of cash.

According to FOX News, over 75,000 vehicles, more than 600,000 weapons, and 200 aircraft were left behind for the Taliban terrorists by the Biden regime.

Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left-behind equipment list now controlled by the Taliban:

2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP’s
75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc
45 UH-60 Blachhawk Helicopters
50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
ScanEagle Military Drones
30 Military Version Cessnas
4 C-130’s
29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
208+ Aircraft Total
At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
61,000 M203 Rounds
20,040 Grenades
Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Comunications Gear
16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
Recconaissance Equipment (ISR)
Laser Aiming Units
Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
2,520 Bombs
Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators

Michael conveyed his anger in an impassioned speech detailing the financial burden he faced upon leaving the service. The soldier described the withdrawal from Afghanistan as “hectic, chaotic, and disgusting,” pointing out the profound disappointment he felt with the government’s actions both during and following the operation.

“I want to holler, I want to scream, I want to yell, but it won’t do any good. Today is gear turn-in day for me. Turn in all the gear that I’ve collected over the last four years of being active duty with the army, with the 82nd Airborne Division,” Michael stated in his video. “Two years ago, my unit deployed to Afghanistan for the Afghanistan withdrawal. We spent a few weeks over there. It was hectic, it was chaotic, it was disgusting, and it made me very disappointed in our government.”

According to Michael, in the frantic final moments of the withdrawal, U.S. forces were ordered to leave behind their gear because the aircraft meant to carry them home could not accommodate the additional weight. Despite concerns expressed by Michael and his comrades about the cost of the abandoned equipment, they were reassured that these issues would be resolved favorably.

“Today, I’m reminded of how disappointed I am in our government. Go to turn in my gear. They want to charge me $500 to $1,000 for gear that I was ordered to leave in Afghanistan two years ago. Because, as the last two birds were sitting on the tarmac ready to leave, there wasn’t any room for extra gear, extra weight. Therefore, we were told to leave it. Some lower enlisted dudes, including myself, were like, ‘No, this stuff is expensive. I’m not leaving this. I’m going to get charged for this,’” Michael said.

“When it comes time to leave, don’t worry; we’re going to catch you on the back end,” Michael recalled being told.

However, during his gear turn-in, Michael was confronted with a harsh reality. The reassurances provided seemed empty, as he was presented with a bill of $3,561 for equipment he was ordered to leave behind in Afghanistan.

Michael is being charged for $3,561.26 for equipment he was ordered to leave.

Michael’s situation highlights a broader issue faced by many veterans and active-duty personnel, bringing into question the support and treatment they receive from the government they serve, especially under the Biden regime.

“We can continue to give millions of dollars to the Taliban. We can give billions of dollars to Ukraine. We can give billions of dollars to student debt relief. We can give a bunch of stupid stimulus checks. We can cut those to the American people, but we can’t cover $500 to $1,000 for a dude that left gear in Afghanistan, for a dude that left gear in a place that you put me to begin with,” Michaels said.

“The government is so stinking backward right now, man. This administration’s last priority is the American people -and inside of the American people, their last priority is their soldiers, their Marines, their airmen, their Navy. So messed up, man. I thought today was going to be bittersweet getting out, but I’m just so happy to separate. I’m very, very excited to stop serving my government and just getting started serving my country. Sad.”


The Gateway Pundit has reached out to the Pentagon and White House for comments. As of now, there has been no official response from the Biden regime regarding this specific case. We also reached out to Brock Michaels regarding his case. We will update this story as new information becomes available.

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