IDF Hunts for Hostages Among Gaza Refugees: “If There are any Children Here who Speak Hebrew, Run to Us”

IDF Hunts for Hostages Among Gaza Refugees: “If There are any Children Here who Speak Hebrew, Run to Us”

40 children are being held hostage by terrorists in Gaza


As the Biden Regime negotiates with Hamas and their Qatari backers to try to get Israel to agree to a „ceasefire“, 40 children remain in the grip of the Hamas terrorists. The Israeli Army IDF revealed how they tried to identify Jewish children held prisoner among civilians fleeing south.

Approximately 33,000 Gazans have evacuated south along Salah ad-Din street, which runs north to south through Gaza, since it was first opened as a humanitarian corridor, while Hamas terrorists fire on civilians attempting to flee Gaza City, trying to keep their human shields from escaping. The IDF has been deployed to protect the fleeing population.

Civilians have been instructed to carry white flags, identification, and to make their way to UN shelters in the southern region of Gaza, Israel National News – Arutz Sheva reports.

The IDF makes announcements in Arabic to try and identify any terrorists hiding among the civilians. Other announcements are made in Hebrew, Arutz Sheva reports, in the hopes of locating any hostages who are being smuggled into the southern half of Gaza.

One such announcement declared: “If there are any children here who speak Hebrew, run to us, don’t be afraid.”

Unfortunately no Israeli child hostages have been identified yet.

The IDF has completed the encirclement of Jabalia quarter in the Gaza Strip overnight Monday and are preparing to assault Hamas forces in the city, JNS reports. The Israeli Air Force IAF hit 250 terrorist targets in the last 24 hours.

Over 10 out of 24 Hamas battalions have been “damaged significantly”, an IDF spokesman said. “In some battalions, we eliminated hundreds of Hamas terrorists,” said the source, who estimated that thousands of terrorists have been killed.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir criticized a proposed prisoner exchange, warning that “Israel will once again commit a massive mistake, as was done in the (Gilat) Shalit deal. You remember how we released Shalit – we freed [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar and his friends, and so brought upon ourselves the current war.”

“We discussed a deal of 80 hostages released, then dropped to 70 then to 50. First we said there would be no food, then no fuel. Right now both are reaching Gaza.”  Ben-Gvir criticized the War Cabinet: “I asked: How can we do such a thing? How can we send even a drop of fuel in there when you know that the Red Cross is not visiting the infants, children, and women being held. This is stupid! This is insane! Unfortunately, [Benny] Gantz and [Gadi] Eisenkot are dragging the Cabinet to bad places.”

Writing for the BESA Center, Col. (Res.) Shai Shabtai warned that “negotiations for a deal for the hostages that includes the release of Hamas prisoners would be a serious strategic mistake on Israel’s part.”

“Hamas, which has committed crimes against humanity and has genocidal aspirations similar to those of the Nazis, has disqualified itself as a legitimate partner for negotiations. By agreeing to conduct negotiations with them anyway, Israel would, in effect, be restoring their international legitimacy and negating Israel’s claims against other countries around the world, such as Russia, on this matter. The release of those involved in the operation on October 7 in an exchange deal would also damage the argument that they had participated in crimes against humanity. Those terrorists, as well as those captured in Gaza, should be brought to trial, with the death penalty hanging over their heads,” Shabtai said.

“From a strictly military point of view, the Israeli leadership would have done best to launch the war in Gaza as if all the hostages were dead,” David Israel wrote on Jewish Press. “An army cannot run a successful campaign when it is restricted by the possibility that every tunnel it blows up may contain Israeli hostages.”

“Abducting 220 babies, children, women, and elderly Israelis was a stroke of genius on Hamas’s part, showing that its leaders know Israeli society far better than Israel knows them. And they had a great teacher. In October 2011, following a well-organized and well-financed campaign by roughly the same element that would continue to batter him in years to come, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succumbed to public pressure and committed the worst failure of his career until October 7, 2023: he freed 1,027 terrorist prisoners with Jewish blood on their hands in exchange for one kidnapped Israeli soldier, Corporal Gilad Shalit. Never mind that among those released murderers was Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of the October 7 massacre. And never mind that so many of those murderers immediately joined the Hamas war machine to kill more Jews. That was a given, and Netanyahu proved too weak to prevent it”,” Israel writes.

“The only ones who tried to stop the mad deal were, as usual, those right-wing extremists who in 2023 advocated arming standby squads in border communities – you know, the crazies who don’t write op-eds for Haaretz. But Netanyahu’s much bigger failure as a leader in 2011 was teaching Hamas that no matter how strong Israel’s military may be, it can always be brought to submission with the threat of killing innocent hostages.”


The Israel Guys: CONFRONTING RADICALS – What America can learn from Israel


The Israel Guys: The IDF Just Found HUGE TUNNELS Underneath the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

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Biden Having a ‘Not So Happy’ 81st Birthday – Even Family Members Are Worried

Biden Having a ‘Not So Happy’ 81st Birthday – Even Family Members Are Worried

Marilyn Monroe singing “Happy Birthday Mr. President” in her iconic sultry voice this is not.

No, this is more like if far-left filmmaker Michael Moore coughed “Happy Birthday” into your face — while wearing Monroe’s skintight dress.

President Joe Biden was “enjoying” his 81st birthday on Monday, and while that would normally be a cause for celebration, the president’s second full year as an octogenarian is not getting off to the most rousing start, at least according to Politico.

The outlet called it a “not so happy birthday for Biden” at the outset of the article and would go on to paint a grim picture for a man who genuinely appears to be seeking re-election.

While Biden has a litany of issues with which he must grapple, ranging from his troubled son all the way to the decrepit state of the U.S. economy, these issues are all — in theory, at least — fixable.

(Yes, if history is any indication, Biden won’t magically become a good father or adopt fiscally responsible policies overnight, but they are at least in the realm of far-flung possibility.)

What is not nearly in the realm of possibility is reversing or mitigating the very cause for celebration Monday: Biden, already the oldest president in U.S. history, is now 81.

With an octogenarian president, these are, quite literally, uncharted waters for this country.

Now, if Biden were 81 but the economy was booming, crime was down, the borders were secured and the U.S. was thriving on a global stage?

Those concerns about Biden’s historically advanced age for his post would still be there, but they would be far more muted if the country were thriving. A thriving country merely needs a steward to maintain the status quo.

The United States, sadly, is not thriving and therefore needs an actual leader far more than a steward.

The polls reflect that American voters are beginning to come to this realization — and so too are those closest to Biden.

“Even those in Biden’s inner circle, including family members, worry about the optics of age,” Politico reported. “Those close allies believe that Biden is mentally up for the job, but some acknowledge that the president can at times appear frail, according to two people involved in the conversations but not authorized to speak publicly about internal deliberations.”

The issue for Team Biden is that “the optics of age” are hardly optics at all. The president’s falling on stairs and struggling to string together coherent sentences are not the optics of aging, but the actual results of it.

Take, for example, this “plan” that Biden’s handlers have for him, as called out by Politico.

“As noted on his recent physical, Biden’s gait has stiffened following foot fractures he suffered playing with his dog in late 2020,” the outlet reported. “People close to the president have discussed having him walk shorter distances while on camera.

“They’ve also advocated, at times, trading in formal shoes for more comfortable ones — both to make his stride seem less stiff, but also to reduce the risk of falls.”

Needing your team to handle you as if you were an invalid is quite the ignominious birthday present.

More so than that, however, these plans are the equivalent of using a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound — sure, they may hold things together just a smidgen longer, but they aren’t exactly addressing the root problem.

Walking shorter distances in more comfortable shoes does not change the fact that Biden will be 86 if he wins and finishes a second presidential term, which is nearly 10 years older than the second-oldest president to occupy the Oval Office (Ronald Reagan left office at 77).

The comfier, shorter walks also don’t magically fix the state of the economy or shore up the country’s porous borders.

Until all these issues are addressed, questions about Biden’s ability to lead, win re-election and govern will persist.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Muskegon Voter Fraud: Video Interrogation of GBI Strategies Official Released, Verifies Prior Gateway Pundit Reporting and Indicts Michigan AG Dana Nessel

Muskegon Voter Fraud: Video Interrogation of GBI Strategies Official Released, Verifies Prior Gateway Pundit Reporting and Indicts Michigan AG Dana Nessel

In August, the Gateway Pundit exclusively reported on police reports that emerged from the City of Muskegon Michigan and from the Michigan State Police that documented 10,000-12,000 suspicious voter registration applications turned into City of Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch.

These reports, and the fact they are ongoing, show that there was widespread, systemic, ongoing voter registration fraud in a major battleground state in the 2020 elections, and that major Democrats in Law Enforcement knew it. GBI Strategies was a huge part of the Biden machine.

Yet far-left zealots like Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel have repeatedly lied and said there was no voter fraud in the 2020 elections, and that the 2020 elections were the safest and most secure in American history.

The City of Muskegon stonewalled the Gateway Pundit from releasing public documents that would further reveal the extent of the cheating in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Michigan law enforcement kept lying to the Gateway Pundit and blaming the FBI for inaction.

But now, one enterprising citizen researcher from New Jersey, Yehuda Miller, has uncovered through the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, video that authorities previously suppressed from the Gateway Pundit where Michigan law enforcement officers are questioning an employee of GBI Strategies.

His discoveries also show that Dana Nessel, the Michigan State Police, and the Muskegon Police have been lying this entire time to the public and media that the investigation is ‘ongoing’ – as it was closed in the Spring of 2021 with no arrests.

Exclusive: Must Watch: Muskegan Michigan Voter Registration Fraud Investigation. GBI and Empower Michigan. (edited and shortened clip)

— Yehuda Miller (@yehuda_miller) November 20, 2023

Miller is a researcher and local businessman who was motivated to get more involved after the 2020 election. Miller has been sending out FOIA’s to document voter fraud, and especially to better document stories published by the Gateway Pundit.

Miller also posted the full 1:40 video from the GBI Interview here.

Miller exclusively told the Gateway Pundit that he has been slowly independently documenting the 2020 voter fraud across the country, and slowly saves up enough money to finance the next batch of documents requested. Miller said these video interrogation files came from a request to the Michigan Attorney General’s office, the same one that is lawlessly prosecuting 16 Trump electors from 2020 because they dared to believe and say that they thought there was likely systemic voter fraud in Michigan in the 2020 election.

Miller’s FOIA returns also explosively reveal that far-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is a chronic liar.

Exclusive: Muskegan Michigan Voter registration Fraud Investigation. GBI and Empower Michigan.

Heavily redacted samples of fraudulent voter registrations released via FOIA.

See more documents and samples here

click on this link to see additional records…

— Yehuda Miller (@yehuda_miller) November 20, 2023

far left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel

Nessel personally knew about the voter fraud in Muskegon in October of 2020, because the privilege log shows that she personally authored a relevant email on the topic that was excluded from production in the FOIA response. A privilege log is a listing of files that a legal entity refuses to turn over because they might contain a relevant legal privilege. Here, enough evidence is captured by the privilege log to show that Dana Nessel has been chronically lying about the Muskegon voter fraud case.

Nessel lied about the Muskegon Voter Fraud case still being ‘open’ and ‘referred to the FBI’ as she stated this summer.

The documents reveal that the case was closed in the Spring of 2021. On March 30, 2021 there was a “memo to close Muskegon voter fraud case” and on May 7, 2021, another “Muskegon voter fraud memo to close”

Nessel potentially lied about this in order to prevent documents from this case from being disclosed to the public.

The Washington Post’s Sarah Ellison was recently calling several sources from TGP’s reporting on the Muskegon Voter Fraud case, probably to issue another fake ‘fact check’ to suppress true reporting via the fact check industrial complex. This array of left-leaning groups is where fact check outlets partner with the Newsguard group which aggregates fact check scores, which then enables far-left pressure groups to use the Newsguard ‘scores’ for media outlets to pressure advertisers against supporting conservative and alternative media. In this way, this left-wing pressure system effectively suppresses truthful stories that challenge dominant narratives most aggressively.

This powerful FOIA release shows the extent to which compliant mainstream media shamefully cooperates with government officials.

The attorneys in Nessel’s office told inquiring reporters the ‘investigation went nowhere’ even though the police report was very clear that more investigation was needed to make that determination.

There has always been substantial evidence of massive fraud in Michigan’s absentee ballots from 2020. And there is no way that the huge influx of voter registrations, statewide, on October 9th is normal or natural.

The emails also have a comical element. Pathetic fawning fake reporters like Craig Mauger of the Detroit News politely ask and genuflect for the government officials as to whether the Gateway Pundit reporting is accurate.

The press flaks from Nessel’s office, in this case Danny Wimmer, not only misstates the name of GBI Strategies as “GBI Solutions” but also misstates the number of fraudulent voter registration applications submitted as 8,000-10,000, when there were two drop-offs of suspicious applications in the police report, one of 2,500 and another one for 8,000-10,000, making the total 10,000-12,500.

Michigan blogger Craig Mugger

But of course the fake news reporters like Mauger never question or criticize the obviously lying government officials.

Fake Journalist Mauger did zero reporting on the Muskegon voter fraud, he just barfed back what he was spoonfed by the Attorney General’s office.

The Michigan Bureau of Elections didn’t find any fraudulent voter registrations created because it too didn’t bother looking.

Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch told the Gateway Pundit she could not talk because of the ongoing investigation, something these files now show as an outright lie. Meisch herself was caught in a Facebook group of Clerks bragging about creating false registrations with her buddies at GBI Strategies, with whom she said she was on a first-name-basis with.

Meisch stopped the creation of GBI Strategies’ registrations, but then again they were so obviously false with similar handwriting and fake names that it would be hard to later justify:

Meisch knew that GBI Strategies was being run out of a hotel, but felt that was a normal address to receive hundreds of voter registration applications from.

No one was prosecuted for this enormous voter fraud operation. No one investigated whether GBI Strategies used the same tactics in other parts of Michigan as they did in Muskegon.

The Muskegon Police looked into their little sliver of the case, and the Michigan State Police did a cursory look into the case, and both agencies filed their police reports and the rest was officially buried.

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Ex-Maryland Democrat Mayor Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison from 150-Year Plea Deal for Child Porn Case Involving Over 500 Victims — May be Eligible for Parole After 7.5 Years

Ex-Maryland Democrat Mayor Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison from 150-Year Plea Deal for Child Porn Case Involving Over 500 Victims — May be Eligible for Parole After 7.5 Years

The former Democrat Mayor of College Park, Maryland, Patrick Wojahn, has been handed a 30-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to charges related to the possession and distribution of child sexual abuse material.

Earlier this year, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Prince George’s County police department arrested Wojahn soon after they discovered he was operating a social media account distributing pornography.

“The City of College Park was made aware this morning of former Mayor Patrick Wojahn’s arrest by Prince George’s County Police and the charges that have been filed. We are shocked and disturbed by the news; what has come to light in this investigation is a total surprise to us,” according to the press release.

Before his arrest, Wojahn, who served as mayor from 2015-2023, had friendships with high-profile Democrats such as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

The Washington Blade in 2019 reported, “Pete Buttigieg has mentored Patrick Wojahn over the years.”

Local College Park news outlet the Diamond Back would go further and reported Patrick Wojahn received important advice from Buttigieg and the two even went out for beers once in Riverdale, Maryland.

Source: Patrick Wojahn/Twitter

Along with Lady Gaga and the Dalai Lama, Wojahn also took a picture with Nancy Pelosi:

Pedophile Patrick Wojahn with Nancy Pelosi

Prince George’s County Police Department (PGPD) wrote in a press release, “On February 17, 2023, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children notified the PGPD that a social media account operating in the county possessed and distributed suspected child pornography. The image and videos had been uploaded to the social media account in January of 2023. Through various investigative techniques, PGPD investigators discovered the social media account belonged to Wojahn.”

It continued, “On February 28, 2023, PGPD detectives served a search warrant at Wojahn’s College Park home. Investigators recovered multiple cell phones, a storage device, a tablet and a computer. Following additional investigation, PGPD obtained criminal charges against Wojahn and investigators took him into custody early this morning.”

Wojahn filed for his resignation following his arrest, stating, “While this investigation does not involve any official city business of any kind, it is in the best interests of our community that I step aside and not serve as a distraction. I have great trust in the ability of Mayor Pro Tem Mitchell, the City Council, and our staff to carry forward what we have accomplished.”

Pedophile former Democrat Mayor Patrick Wojahn

On August 2, Wojahn pleaded guilty to a total of 140 counts, including 60 counts of distribution, 40 counts of possession, and 40 counts of intent to distribute child pornography, WUSA9 reported.

On Monday, a former Maryland mayor, Patrick Wojahn, only received a light sentence of three decades behind bars. The plea deal concluded with Wojahn being sentenced to 150 years, however, the court suspended 120 years, effectively sending Wojahn to prison for only 30 years plus five years’ probation.  He must also register as a sex offender for 25 years, according to The Baltimore Banner.

The news outlet reported:

For almost 1½ hours at the sentencing Monday of former College Park Mayor Patrick Wojahn in Prince George’s County Circuit Court, Assistant State’s Attorneys Monica Meyers and Jess Garth explained how possession and distribution of child sexual abuse material is not a victimless crime.

Law enforcement, prosecutors said, knew the names of 52 children who appeared in images on Wojahn’s cellphone. They experienced sexual abuse all over the world. The United States. Canada. Mexico. Spain. Germany. The United Kingdom.

But there were hundreds, if not thousands more children that investigators could not identify. The total number was so large, prosecutors said, that it surpassed the enrollment of Wojahn’s local elementary school, Hollywood Elementary.

“Even though the victim is separated from the person who is abusing them by a computer screen, they exist,” said Garth, who is chief of the Special Victims and Family Violence Unit in the Prince George’s County State’s Attorney’s Office, at a news conference. “They’re real people.”

State’s Attorney Aisha Braveboy described the sentence as “fair.”

According to Maryland’s parole laws, he could potentially secure an early release after serving a quarter of his sentence, which would be about seven and a half years, according to WTOP News.

More from the news outlet:

During the hearing, Myers read off dozens of statements from victims and their parents that detailed the abuse seen in the photos and videos, some of which depicted very young children, including infants. In some instances, the victims were bound or injured during the abuse.

“People often refer to this as a victimless crime, or they try to justify the actions of the defendant by saying he didn’t touch anyone,” Myers said. “The purpose of introducing all the statements by the victims today was to really convey behind every image he possessed is a story.”

One victim who spoke on video said she was stalked and harassed online for years after the abuse and even had to move.

Myers said more than 500 victims who live around the world were on Wojahn’s phone.

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Under Their Noses: US Postal Worker Stole $24 Million in Checks in 4 Months, Feds Allege

Under Their Noses: US Postal Worker Stole $24 Million in Checks in 4 Months, Feds Allege

An employee with the United States Postal Service was accused of stealing checks worth at least $24 million from the postal service and colluding with two others to sell the stolen checks, according to prosecutors.

Charlotte, North Carolina, resident 29-year-old Nakedra Shannon was working for the postal service between March 2021 and July 2023, when she allegedly began stealing checks towards the end of her time with her employer, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of North Carolina announced Friday.

She and fellow Charlotte residents 27-year-old Donnell Gardner, and 24-year-old Desiray Carter were hit with charges of one count of conspiracy to commit financial institution fraud and five counts of theft of government property.

Carter and Gardner face an additional seven counts of possession of stolen mail, while Shannon faces an additional eight counts of theft of mail by a postal employee, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Authorities unsealed the federal indictment against the trio after their first court appearance.

Shannon worked with Gardner and Carter to steal incoming and outgoing checks at a Charlotte postal processing and distribution center, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office and reporting from The Charlotte Observer.

The scheme, according to prosecutors, lasted between April and July 2023.

The trio, according to the indictment, were accused of stealing over $12 million in checks, which they later allegedly sold on a Telegram channel named OG Glass House, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Shannon, Gardner, and Carter also allegedly stole over $8 million worth of U.S. Treasury checks, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

According to reporting from NBC News, the Telegram channel was run by Carter, who used the username “SW1PER” on the app.

On the channel, Carter would put out advertisements for selling the stolen checks. Then, Gardner would send the buyer the stolen checks, the indictment alleged, according to NBC News.

Any money from the sale, according to the indictment, would be split between Carter and Shannon getting 50 percent, while Gardner got the remaining 50 percent, NBC News reported.

From their scheme, the trio made “hundreds of thousands of dollars in criminal proceeds,” the U.S. Attorney’s office said.

The conspiracy was discovered as part of an investigation carried out by the U.S. Postal Service Office of the Inspector General, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the IRS Criminal Investigation Division, the U.S. Department of Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service, and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, the Observer reported.

Shannon, Gardner, and Carter have been released on bond after their first court appearances on Friday.

To uncover the scheme, undercover police officers pretended to be buyers, whom Carter then guided to a CashApp account and Bitcoin wallet, NBC News reported.

The charge of conspiracy to commit bank fraud comes with a maximum penalty of 30 years’ imprisonment. The statuary maximum penalty for theft by postal employees and possession of stolen mail is five years’ imprisonment for the counts charged, while theft of government property comes with a maximum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment per offense, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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