Trump-Appointed Judge to Preside Over Elon Musk’s High-Profile Lawsuit Against Far-left Media Matters

Trump-Appointed Judge to Preside Over Elon Musk’s High-Profile Lawsuit Against Far-left Media Matters

Photo: Presidential Prayer Team

Good news for Elon Musk.

A judge appointed by former President Donald Trump will oversee the high-profile lawsuit filed by Musk against the far-left organization Media Matters.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Elon Musk’s X Corp., formerly known as Twitter, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters on Monday, accusing the “radical anti-free speech organization” of publishing a report that falsely claimed that X was allowing ads to run next to pro-Nazi content.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division, alleges that Media Matters’ report was “malicious” and “intended to drive advertisers away from X.” The lawsuit also claims that Media Matters’ report was “based on false information” and that the organization “knowingly and recklessly published the false report in order to damage X’s reputation and business.”

The Attorneys General from Missouri and Texas, Andrew Bailey and Ken Paxton announced that they will investigate Media Matters for potential fraudulent activity.

Elon Musk’s high-profile defamation lawsuit against Media Matters landed in the hands of District Judge Mark Pittman, a Donald Trump appointee with a history of rulings favorable to conservative causes.

Notably, he:

Ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer files:  Ordered the FDA to expedite the release of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine documents. Expressing concern about the FDA’s initially proposed rate of data production, Judge Pittman demanded a swifter disclosure, mandating that 55,000 pages a month be made public.
Blocked Joe Biden’s Loan Forgiveness: Struck down President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan on November 10, 2022. Judge Pittman ruled that the plan was an overreach of executive authority and usurped Congress’ power to make laws regarding federal spending
Texas can’t ban 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying handguns: Ruled that a Texas law prohibiting most 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying handguns in public was unconstitutional.

BREAKING: The judge that will be hearing Elon Musk’s bombshell lawsuit against Media Matters was appointed by Donald Trump

Judge Mark T. Pittman is the same judge that ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer files


— George (@BehizyTweets) November 21, 2023

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How Israel’s Secret Unit 504 Revealed the Hamas HQ in Al-Shifa Hospital as Thousands of Gazans Call IDF to Rat on Hamas

How Israel’s Secret Unit 504 Revealed the Hamas HQ in Al-Shifa Hospital as Thousands of Gazans Call IDF to Rat on Hamas

Thousands of Gazans are calling the IDF, eager to get rid of Hamas

A secretive military intelligence unit called IDF Unit 504 was key inunmasking Hamas’s abuse of hospitals for terror and hostage-taking, The Jerusalem Post reports. Unit 504 has received thousands of calls from Gazan Arabs wanting to help them against Hamas, apparently unhappy with the terror regime’s reign.

Unit 504 has interrogated over 300 Hamas terrorists, including those who had been in Shifa Hospital, where there were many Hamas forces disturbing the medical staff.

One terrorist estimated that he had seen between 80-100 terrorists at al-Shifa hospital. He added that Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were “camouflaged” in the dress of various kinds of medical helpers, including using the emergency room for their activities.

According to Jerusalem Post,  another Palestinian, Hamdoah Riad Assad Samlah, told how Hamas terrorists were using 50,000 Palestinian civilians at the large Palestine Red Crescent Society building in Gaza as human shields. He said that no one would resist Hamas or they might be killed.

Samlah said that Hamas wrapped their rockets in civilian blankets to hide them from the IDF and were frequently shooting from the nearby surroundings of the building.

Another Palestinian told Unit 504 that he saw over 100 Hamas terrorists controlling Rantisi Hospital in Gaza, split up into tents of around five to six men per tent, Jerusalem Post reports. He said that he was also in a hospital known as the Sweden Hospital, where he saw at least seven Hamas terrorists. Though they were in civilian garb, he said he knew one of them personally, and that the rest were armed.

“It seems that the residents of Gaza are unhappy with the barbaric conduct of Hamas.”

A senior Unit 504 commander told the Jerusalem Post, “Until now, we have arrested more than 300 terrorists as part of the invasion, who were taken for extended questioning to Israel. The information which came out of questioning such prisoners has had tremendous value, led to eliminating other terrorists, and to enhancing the security of our forces.”

The senior officer told the Jerusalem Post his unit received thousands of calls from Gazan Arabs wanting to help them against Hamas, “an order of magnitude which we had never seen before. It seems that the residents of Gaza are unhappy with the barbaric conduct of Hamas.”

Unit 504 employs dozens of Arabic-speaking field interrogators spread throughout the battle areas in Gaza. Unit 504’s field interrogation personnel are not just bringing back terrorists to Israel for questioning, but are also questioning terrorists in the field in real-time to assist IDF forces with their immediate battle maneuvers as well as finding Hamas’s sensitive locations on nearby Gaza streets, Jerusalem Post reports.


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Federal Appeals Court Panel Blasts Judge Chutkan, Signals it will Narrow Trump’s Unconstitutional Gag Order

Federal Appeals Court Panel Blasts Judge Chutkan, Signals it will Narrow Trump’s Unconstitutional Gag Order

A federal appeals court on Monday signaled it would partially grant President Trump’s request to remove his gag order in Jack Smith’s bogus election interference case.

Trump’s lawyers have been fighting Chutkan’s gag order since she first imposed it last month.

Earlier this month President Trump filed an appeal brief on Judge Tanya Chutkan’s gag order. Trump argued Chutkan’s gag order is broad, vague and violates his First Amendment rights.

On October 20, Judge Chutkan agreed to temporarily pause her own gag order in the DOJ’s January 6 case while Trump and Jack Smith submit appeal briefs.

According to Chutkan’s gag order, Trump cannot criticize Special Counsel Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors – even if Trump is telling the truth!

The gag order prevented Trump from criticizing Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors or staffers, any of the Court’s staff or supporting personnel or any ‘witnesses.’

Jack Smith can leak and lie about Trump – and threaten witnesses – but Trump cannot defend himself otherwise he will be violating Chutkan’s unconstitutional gag order.

The three-judge DC Circuit Court of Appeals panel (2 Obama appointees and 1 Biden appointee) blasted Judge Chutkan’s gag order as they considered striking down or narrowing the order during Monday’s oral arguments.

One judge said the gag order is unfair to Trump because his prosecution could easily be used to attack him during presidential debates.

“He has to speak ‘Miss Manners’ while everyone else is throwing targets at him?” Judge Patricia Millett, an Obama appointee said, according to Politico. “It would be really hard in a debate, when everyone else is going at you full bore. Your attorneys would have to have scripted little things you can say.”

“It’s not how I want my children to speak,” Millett said, “but that’s really not the question.”

“We certainly want to make sure that the criminal trial process and its integrity and its truth-finding function are protected, but we ought to use a careful scalpel here and not step into really sort of skewing the political arena,” Judge Patricia Millett added.

Another Obama-appointed judge said the gag order is too broad when it banned Trump from speaking about ‘witnesses’ like Bill Barr and Mike Pence.

“I would assume that their testimony would not be affected,” Judge Nina Pillard, an Obama appointee said of Barr and Pence.

It is unclear when the appeals court will make a decision on the gag order.

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‘The Settlements Are Our Targets. Let Us Storm Them’

‘The Settlements Are Our Targets. Let Us Storm Them’

Former Miss Iraq Sara Idan holds a sign stating ‘Free Gaza from Hamas’ in November 2023.

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Hamas now threatening more atrocities … in West Bank

Hamas terrorists who massacred some 1,400 Israeli citizens during a war-like attack on peaceful communities and a music festival in October now are agitating for more such violence.

The war the terrorists launched against Israel that day is continuing, with Israeli troops marching into Gaza, Hamas’ home, and rooting out members of the terror organization, their supplies and their defenses.

But at the same time, there’s been the threat of another attack such as the one on Oct. 7, with its atrocities including babies beheaded and entire families burned alive.

Now the threat is coming from the West Bank.

A report from the Middle East Media Research Institute reveals that Hamas leaders are continuing to “threaten a repeat of the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel.”

And they are inciting people of the West Bank to attack Israelis and be part of the terrorism.

“Telegram channels identified with Hamas’ student organization, the Islamic Bloc, and especially with its branches in the West Bank, are especially active in spreading threats and incitement of this kind,” the report explained.

“In a November 16 post on its Telegram channel, for example, the Islamic Bloc urged the people of the West Bank to emulate the October 7 attack by storming Israeli localities within their reach. Other posts on this channel likewise incite terrorism and provide operational advice on carrying out effective attacks.”

The Islamic Bloc, a student organization for Hamas, posted a call for more violence and a graphic “showing masked terrorists breaching a fence and raiding an Israeli locality, with the text: ‘The settlements are our targets. Let us storm them, [operating] singly or in groups, and let them taste the might of our resistance. #To the settlements.’”

“It should be stressed that, in Hamas’ parlance, all Israeli localities are termed ‘settlements,’ both the ones in the West Bank and those inside Israel,” MEMRI explained.

Two days later, another graphic threatened, “Ambushes of death await you.”

And yet another, posted just this week, showed armed terrorists preparing to attack a Israeli locality, and threatened, “You have no security. Most of our resistance fighters are lying in wait for you. The [West] Bank is not a playground for the settlers.”

MEMRI explained, too, that Hamas’ student groups in the West Bank are offering advice for terrorism.

“On November 18, for example, its Telegram channels posted a video titled ‘How to carry out a high-quality attack causing maximum casualties in the ranks of the occupation.’ The video presents the various stages of preparing and carrying out the attack: ‘research and planning,’ ‘learning the features of the [target] location,’ ‘surveilling the target of the attack,’ ‘obtaining the necessary weapons and keeping them safe,’ ‘securing the target location in an inhabited area,’ ‘maintaining absolute secrecy,’ ‘avoiding the use of digital devices,’ ‘maintaining your routine activities in your [everyday] surroundings,’ ‘planning a suitable escape route,’ ‘choosing the timing, based on the goals of the operation.’”

The MEMRI investigation revealed that, “On November 18, Hamas in the West Bank posted on its Telegram channel a statement by movement official ‘Abd Al-Rahman Shadid, saying: ‘The people of the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, and the people the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948 [i.e., Israeli Arabs] must mobilize, confront the crimes of the occupation and resist by every means. If victory could be attained just by uttering [the phrase] ‘Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs’ [Quran 3:173], Allah wouldn’t have commanded us to prepare [for battle] and to fight…’”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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NBC Journalist Arrested In Israel on “Very Serious Offenses” Including Inciting Terrorism Against the Jewish State

NBC Journalist Arrested In Israel on “Very Serious Offenses” Including Inciting Terrorism Against the Jewish State

Credit: YouTube/@mohammedassar

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on liberal media networks hiring sordid individuals with ties to the Islamist terror group Hamas. This time, Israel is taking action against these sick people.

The Jerusalem Post reported Saturday that 45-year-old NBC “journalist” Marwat Al-Azza was arrested on severe criminal offenses including inciting terrorism. She also hailed the Hamas massacre of innocent Israelis.

Authorities discovered four recent posts on her personal Facebook page regarding the October 7 terror attack by Hamas from the Gaza Strip, in which at least 1,200 people were murdered and 240 taken hostage.

The specific contents of these posts have not been released by police at this point.

Police said Al-Azza arrived, “arrived ready for arrest” and confessed to her crimes. A police representative called the offenses, “very serious.”

These are very serious offenses during a time of declared war when the respondent lives and makes a living in the same country that is under attack and yet chooses to incite and glorify the horrible acts committed against civilians.

Al-Azza’s attorney praised her “cooperation” and claimed her role in journalism is, “very important to everyone.”

This is a normative woman, engaged in journalism, and her role is very important to everyone. She was asked in her investigation about her work. I believe that in the things attributed to her, she cooperated fully. She did not try to hide, saying “I had a hacker.

The attorney also asked for her to be released. A judge ordered Al-Azza to be confined for four additional days following the arrest.

The New York Post reports it is unclear how much jail time Al-Azza could be facing.

The Post further reveals that Al-Azza has been a freelance journalist since September 2018. Her recent stories on NBC News — where she uses the pen name Marvat Azzeh — focus on the Israel-Hamas war.

Her most recent byline on Nov. 12 claimed that newborn children at the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City were dying as the facility ran out of resources.

In an interview with the Post, NBC claimed that they cut ties with Al-Azza following her arrest and were unaware of her social media activity.

Before we recently retained Marwat Azza for services as a freelance producer, we were not aware of her personal social media activity that provided the basis for the Israeli investigation.

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