BREAKING: Nathan Wade’s Estranged Wife Jocelyn Wade UNLEASHES on Fani Willis in Court Filing – AND PRODUCES THE RECEIPTS – BANK STATEMENTS INCLUDED

BREAKING: Nathan Wade’s Estranged Wife Jocelyn Wade UNLEASHES on Fani Willis in Court Filing – AND PRODUCES THE RECEIPTS – BANK STATEMENTS INCLUDED


Fani Willis with paramour Nathan Wade

Hell hath no fury on a woman scorned!

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is in hot water with her paramour Nathan Wade’s estranged wife, Jocelyn Wade.

The Georgia RICO case against Trump might go off the rails because of Fani Willis’ ‘improper’ relationship with and *financially benefitted* from a top Trump prosecutor she hired.

As previously reported, Fani Willis had an ‘improper’ romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a top Trump prosecutor in her office.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Fani Willis “financially benefited” from a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a top prosecutor she hired to go after President Trump.

Nathan Wade was brought in as a special prosecutor by Fani Willis in November 2021.

In August Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

The motion was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County on behalf of defendant Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official who was hit with counts 1, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 in Fani Willis’ RICO case.

The motion seeks to have the charges against Michael Roman dismissed and for Fani Willis, Nathan Wade and everyone in the DA’s office to be disqualified from the RICO case against Trump.

The filing claims Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor hired to go after Trump, paid for luxury vacations he took with Fani Willis to Napa Valley and a cruise in the Caribbean – and used money from Fulton County to pay for their out-of-town escapades.

“County records show that Wade, who has played a prominent role in the election interference case, has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since January 2022. The DA authorizes his compensation.” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Last week it was reported Fani Willis had been subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceedings of Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she appointed to go after former President Donald Trump and his associates.

According to a court filing obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Willis was served a subpoena at her Atlanta office for her testimony in the divorce case of Nathan Wade and his wife, Joycelyn Wade.

An attorney for Fani Willis immediately filed a motion to quash the subpoena and accused Jocelyn Wade of “interfering” with her RICO case against Trump.

Now this…

On Friday, Jocelyn Wade’s legal counsel filed a response to Fani Willis’ request for a protective order – and Jocelyn Wade produced the receipts!

Jocelyn Wade unleashed on Fani Willis.

“The arguments asserted by Ms. Wills are disingenuous, specious, and her claimed basis for same fails as a matter of law. Upon information and belief, Ms. Wills has information and knowledge directly relevant to alleged conduct of the Plaintiff that would be considered by the Court asto equitable division of the marital estate, dissipation of marital assets, and spousal support.” Jocelyn Wade’s attorneys stated in a court filing reviewed by this reporter.

“Furthermore, Ms. Wilis’s implied threat to pursue charges against Defendant and her counsel, based on inconvenient facts from her personal life that are directly relevant to the ongoing divorce proceedings in the above-styled action, is an affront to the integrity of her office,” Jocelyn Wade’s attorneys wrote.

“If non-party, Ms. Willis, seeks protection, it appears that the one she needs protection from is herself,” the filing read.

Below are screenshots of Nathan Wade’s Capital One credit card statements provided by Jocelyn Wade in the court filing reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

Nathan Wade spent money on Fani Willis by buying her flowers, and paying for hotels, air travel, a cruise, and Ubers.

The bank statements prove Nathan Wade bought Fani Willis flights to Miami and San Francisco.

Exhibit A reveals Nathan Wade’s expenses on hotel, air travel, flowers for Fani Willis; April to May 2023

flights, Ubers and car rentals; December 2022 to January 2023

Ubers, hotel, and $3,172.20 on a cruise; October 2022 to November 2022

American Airlines flight purchased in Fani Willis’ name

There will be a hearing as early as February to look into Fani Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade.

The post BREAKING: Nathan Wade’s Estranged Wife Jocelyn Wade UNLEASHES on Fani Willis in Court Filing – AND PRODUCES THE RECEIPTS – BANK STATEMENTS INCLUDED appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


House Republicans Introduce Bill to Withdraw Funding from Globalist’s World Economic Forum

House Republicans Introduce Bill to Withdraw Funding from Globalist’s World Economic Forum


A group of House Republicans has taken a firm stance against the World Economic Forum (WEF) by introducing a new piece of legislation aimed at cutting off all federal funding to the globalist organization, The Daily Caller reported.

The bill known as the Defund Davos Act was spearheaded by Representative Scott Perry (R-PA), and joined by Representatives Tom Tiffany (WI-07), Paul Gosar (AZ-09), Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Andy Ogles (TN-05), and Matt Rosendale (MT-02)

The Defund Davos Act seeks to prevent the State Department, USAID, and other federal agencies from funneling money into the WEF.

The proposed bill states, “No funds available to the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, or any other department or agency may be used to provide funding for the World Economic Forum.”

According to records, the United States government has contributed millions to the WEF over the past years. This spending trend is something Perry and his fellow GOP lawmakers argue should come to an abrupt end.

“Forcing American Taxpayers to fund annual ski trips for insular, global elitists is absurd – not to mention reprehensible,” Rep. Perry said in a statement. “The World Economic Forum doesn’t deserve one cent of American funding, and it’s past time we defund Davos.”

Echoing Perry’s sentiments, Representative Tom Tiffany released a statement condemning the funding of the WEF.

“The wealthy WEF globalists should not receive Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars,” said Rep. Tiffany. “The Defund Davos Act would ensure that U.S. tax dollars are not funding the World Economic Forum and their reset on our way of life. I thank Congressman Perry for leading this important effort.”

The World Economic Forum (WEF), founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, has come under scrutiny for its influence on government policies around the world.

The phrase “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” is associated with the WEF and its agenda for what it calls the “Great Reset.” The “Great Reset” is a proposal by the WEF to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic.

This phrase originates from a short video the WEF posted in 2016 on Facebook, titled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030.” One of the predictions listed in the video was that by 2030, “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”


Meat will be a special treat. Read more:

— World Economic Forum (@wef) April 9, 2018

Critics argue that the WEF is overstepping its bounds by dictating or unduly influencing government decisions. They argue that the WEF’s globalist agenda conflicts with national sovereignty and the democratic will of individual nations.

Just recently, President Javier Milei of Argentina took the World Economic Forum by storm with a provocative keynote speech.

The libertarian leader delivered a blistering critique of socialism and a fervent endorsement of capitalist principles before a crowd of the world’s most influential political and economic figures.

The 53-year-old president did not hold back in his rebuke of the West’s slide toward collectivism — a political theory associated with communism.

“Long Live Freedom” — Argentinian President Javier Milei Trashes Socialism and Calls Out Elites at WEF (VIDEO)

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Institute for the Study of War: Ukraine on Strategic Defense – Russians on the Offensive, Gain Ground in 3 Main Directions

Institute for the Study of War: Ukraine on Strategic Defense – Russians on the Offensive, Gain Ground in 3 Main Directions


Institute for the Study of War is a pro-Ukraine think tank that has been scrutinizing all the play-by-play moves in this war with Russia.

In their report, there is no talk of stalemate – that’s a cope for pro-Kiev shills. The news assessment is about the Russians’ offensive actions, while Kiev has settled into a ‘strategic defense’ stance.

For the Ukrainians, it’s somewhat advantageous to be on defense, in terms of losses – but they will never ‘liberate’ Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhie and Kherson oblasts (regions) by just holding their ground.

Read: Soledar, Bakhmut, Khoromov, Maryinka: The Settlements Conquered by Russians in 2023, as the ‘War of Attrition’ Intensifies

The report will describe Russian advances as ‘marginal’ – which they are – but after thousands of hours reading military analysts of every stripe, it becomes clear to me that Moscow’s ‘war of attrition’ arrives at victory not necessarily by rapid territorial conquests, but mainly by degrading the enemy’s military capabilities in troops, ammo, and equipment.

The attrition would have wiped Kiev’s troops in a few months, were it not for the unprecedented global alliance led by the US top send tons of money and military hardware for President Zelensky and his trusted Azov Nazis to dig in and resist.

Another factor is that at this point in the conflict, time is on the Russian’s side. Kiev conscripts the old, the infirm and even women, and lives by the grace of donors, while Russia has hundreds of thousands of fresh new contracted troops, and its military-industrial complex is stronger by the day.

Read: Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

So, in their offensive actions, Russians are probing weaknesses, making Kiev shift reserves to key Donetsk city Avdiivka, for example, weakening other places on the 600-mile frontline.

The plan is to apply pressure at multiple points of the front until the degraded and overextended Ukrainian defenses break down and fold.

Russian forces took Artemovsk (Bakhmut) in May.

The ISW observes that Russian forces are edging forward at three key points.

Newsweek reported:

“ISW’s update confirmed Russian advances in the frontline hotspots near the devastated city of Bakhmut in Donetsk region, the besieged Ukrainian fortress city of Avdiivka, also in Donetsk, and in the the Donetsk-Zaporizhzhia Oblast border area, which this summer was at the heart of Kiev’s own offensive efforts.”

In most of the long frontline, only ‘Positional engagements’ are ongoing, with forces probing each other’s positions seeking local tactical advantage.

“Ukraine has transitioned from counteroffensive operations into a more defensive posture with the onset of winter. Russian forces, meanwhile, have launched fresh efforts to capture ground and reverse the meager gains won by Kiev’s troops through a costly summer and fall of fighting.

Moscow’s troops have advanced northwest of Bakhmut, with the ISW citing geolocated footage published on January 17 suggesting ‘a marginal gain in the residential area in northern Bohdanivka’, just outside the destroyed city that was captured by Russian units in May 2023 after months of devastating combat.”

Russian forces on the Kupyansk direction.

Ukrainian sources report Russian efforts around Bakhmut, as well as in the direction of Kupyansk, in northern Kharkov Oblast.

“Elsewhere, Russian forces advanced southwest of Avdiivka, the fortified city that has long been a fulcrum for the Ukrainian military on the Donetsk front. The settlement sits just outside Donetsk, which since 2014 has been occupied by local separatists and their Russian patrons. The city is considered the unofficial capital of the Donbas region, making it a key political and logistical goal.”

Read: Massive Russian Air Raid – Industrial, Military and Infrastructure Facilities Hit in Ukraine – 122 Missiles and 24 Drones Used – Was It the Largest of the War?

Russian forces assaulted and captured a position east of Nevelske, southwest of Avdiivka, in their months-long effort to encircle the town.

Fighting also continues ‘at the coke plant to [Avdiivka’s] northwest, at the industrial zone to its southeast, near Sieverne to its west, and near Pervomaiske and Nevelske to its southwest’ – we see how the multiple axis of attack aim to disperse and pulverize defensive assets.

“To the south, Russian units are pushing forwards into the territory briefly liberated by Ukrainian troops over the summer along the administrative border between the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions. ‘Geolocated footage published on January 18 shows that Russian forces previously marginally advanced southeast of Rivnopil’, ISW wrote.”

Read more:

Russian Missile Strike in Kharkov Kills as Many as 60 French Mercenaries Fighting for Ukraine

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Hundreds of Thousands Expected to Gather in Washington, DC for the 51st Annual March for Life

Hundreds of Thousands Expected to Gather in Washington, DC for the 51st Annual March for Life

 Image: @CWforA/X

Despite the frigid cold, hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers are gathering today in the Nation’s Capital for the 51st annual March for Life.

Although  Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, pro-lifers know that there is still much work to be done and a critical election ahead in 2024.

LIVE: March for Life 2024 from Washington, D.C. | #WhyWeMarch | January 19, 2024

— Frank Pavone (@frfrankpavone) January 19, 2024

On the ground prayer warriors are making a change #prolife #marchforlife2024 #endabortion #catholic

— LifeSiteNews (@LifeSite) January 18, 2024

Fresh from winning the National Championship, Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh joined the march.

Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh is attending the March for Life today.

Thank you Coach for your pro-life convictions! h/t @JonathanKeller

— (@LifeNewsHQ) January 19, 2024

On Thursday night,  abortion-loving “Catholic” Joe Biden was asked by a reporter for Catholic broadcaster EWTN, “The March for Life is tomorrow in Washington, D.C. What’s your message to those attending?”

Apparently not remembering the pro-life point of the march, he replied, “March.”

What is your message for those attending the 2024 March for Life?
BIDEN: “March.”#WhyWeMarch #ewtnprolife

— EWTN News Nightly (@EWTNNewsNightly) January 18, 2024

The story is developing.

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Tucker Carlson: The Invasion-“The Country You Grew Up in No Longer Exists” (Video)

Tucker Carlson: The Invasion-“The Country You Grew Up in No Longer Exists” (Video)

 Tucker Carlson discusses the invasion of the United States by illegals.

Tucker Carlson and his team investigate how America’s cities have been destroyed by the immigration crisis in the video short “The Invasion.”

Tucker: The story of history is the story of invasions. One group of people moving into someone else’s land and taking it. One nation ends, another begins. Invasions drive history. Few Americans understand this is happening to them right now. The United States of America is being invaded.

Resident of Colony Ridge: For the love of God, this is a damn invasion. Who is allowing this?

Andre Smith: They invaded our privacy.

Joe Germanotta: I think it’s an invasion of the country.

Tucker: In other words, it’s ending. The country you grew up in no longer exists. Soon it will be unrecognizable. No one is fighting back, few are even acknowledging it. And the people who lead us are letting it happen. Why are our leaders letting this happen? Well, to destroy the country and to change the demographics. Who lives here determines what the country’s like. This country is changing faster than you may understand. Americans are being replaced. That’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fact. In August of 2023, illegal immigration outpaced American births, a brand new population. Last year alone, over 3 million people came here illegally just over our southern border. The media won’t tell you it’s happening, but if you look around, you can see it and you can see it most clearly in our cities, which are collapsing. We elect people to protect us. That’s what politicians are paid to do. But they’ve done the opposite. They’ve sold us out and they’ve crushed what our ancestors built. Take a look at our cities. They’re hellish. And immigration is the reason. The City of Chicago was in tough shape even before Joe Biden opened the border. Now, parts of it are basically uninhabitable. Even the Socialist mayor of Chicago says the city is breaking under the strain.

Brandon Johnson: Without real significant investment from our federal government, it won’t just be the city of Chicago that won’t be able to maintain this mission. It’s the entire country that is now at stake.

Tucker: Chicago’s politicians may complain about illegal immigration in public, but in private, they’re paying for it with your money. They’re spending more on illegal aliens than on their own citizens. They’re doing this secretly. They’re hiding it from the public. Our team uncovered a shadow terminal for example, inside Chicago O’Hare airport. Hundreds of migrants were being hidden there. Secretly, our team pulled up with cameras rolling, and at first we didn’t see much. The city erected a black tarp to hide what was going on. The motive was simple they didn’t want us to see it, and a third party security group paid for with your tax dollars told us that was prohibited. We weren’t allowed to see.

Tucker: They weren’t local or federal law enforcement, so we ignored them. They had no authority. They were rent a cops. Inside, our team found more than 100 beds on the floor. The smell was overpowering, repulsive. It was filthy. But it’s not just airport terminals that have been given over to people who’ve come here illegally from the poorest countries in the world without permission, criminally, and yet being supported in every detail of their lives by taxpayers. No, even police stations in Chicago have been turned into refugee camps. This is new video never seen before of what’s actually happening inside Chicago’s police stations. Keep in mind the people who work in those police stations are paid to protect you, but that’s not what they’re doing. They’re running refugee camps for illegal aliens. As our cameramen approach the Chicago Police precinct in the city’s downtown to see what was happening inside, you see people come out, illegal aliens shooting them the middle finger and yelling. They didn’t hide their hostility. Many other illegals have been pushed into poor, predominantly black neighborhoods on the South side. We went there. We spoke to someone who has lived on the south side of Chicago virtually his entire life. He’s enraged by how the city has fallen apart under its sanctuary city policy.

Andre Smith: Andre Smith, CEO of Chicago Against Violence. I don’t know the count, but I know that, the readiness. The language of sanctuary city, state and county should have had a plan, but it led to a massive destruction. I have seen almost the worst of the worst in Chicago. But seeing this migrant crisis was the most devastating thing that I have ever seen. Seeing them in police stations, outside of police stations, seeing them in schools, outside of the schools. It’s unheard of. And that’s why every city that call themself sanctuary is facing the same issues.

Tucker: That wasn’t Texas along the Rio Grand. It was Chicago, more than a thousand miles from the Mexican border. That’s what many parts of America look like now. New York is the largest city in the United States, this country’s financial center. The waves of illegal immigration have transformed it. Every neighborhood in the city feels it, the Upper West Side of Manhattan isn’t a financial center. And it’s not a slum. It’s a place where middle class and upper middle class families live and have for more than 100 years, but it’s been totally overturned by the migrant wave. Illegal aliens have been placed at public expense in hotels. The families who live nearby are terrorized. Some have moved. Businesses in the neighborhood have been destroyed. Watch the chaos, here. These aren’t tired, poor immigrants yearning to be free and make a better life. These are two drunk illegals fighting on the streets of uptown Manhattan, in a neighborhood they didn’t build and shouldn’t be in. Imagine living in a place like this. Millions of Americans don’t have to imagine because this is what their neighborhoods have become. A restaurant owner in the neighborhood who turns out to be the father of pop star Lady Gaga, is enraged and he has every right to be.

Joe Germanotta: My name is Joe Germanotta, and we’re in Joanne Trattoria, my restaurant on the Upper West Side. When they initially got here, I mean, it was just chaos. They would have fights in the street. All of a sudden, about 80 motorbikes, unregistered, showed up, parked in the neighborhood, and they used to race them up and down the street at night. They’d hang out on them, they’d run their engines, etc., with their girlfriends. So is it an invasion? Yes.

Tucker: Closer to the border. It’s even worse and much more obvious. Houston, Texas isn’t far from Mexico. Probably close to a million illegal aliens live in Houston, but not just within the city. The suburbs have been invaded. In fact, new suburbs have emerged that cater to illegal aliens. Colony Ridge is the name of one of them. It’s probably the largest concentration of illegal migrants in the United States. It’s a housing development specifically for people who have no right to be here. Colony Ridge was designed to make money from the migrant crisis that’s destroying this country. The development’s owners have targeted immigrants and given them predatory loans. That’s not a guess. The Southern District of Texas just sued Colony Ridge for doing this. And yet it’s still there. No one has really done anything about it. At first glance, Colony Ridge looks like a normal American suburb. Houses next to houses. Kids playing in the streets. But look more closely. It’s not American. It’s a slum. We spoke to one person there who has learned the hard way what happens when an invasion hits suburbia.

Resident of Colony Ridge: You could probably pull the call log at the sheriff’s department, and you would hear lots of complaints about the loud music. So loud that, I have central air and heat here . But we have to put window units in our bedrooms so we can sleep, and even then, you can still feel the thump. They want us to hear. We’re coming. That’s how you know it’s an invasion. They want us to hear their music.

Tucker: Our team spent the day driving around Colony Ridge to get a glimpse of what the rest of America may soon look like.

Michael Evangelista Yzaga: So we’re in the Colony Ridge land development right now.

Tucker: Michael Evangelista Yzaga is a lawyer who lives in Houston.

Michael Evangelista Yzaga: This is what has been called an illegal immigrant haven. Everything here is in Spanish. I mean, we’re literally in Mexico. It’s a whole different part of the world. Fire and power. We’re literally in Mexico.


TC Shorts: The Invasion

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 17, 2024

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