JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s COVID Czar Caught on Video Talking About Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted, While He Locked Down Over 8.8 Million Citizens and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated [VIDEO]

JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s COVID Czar Caught on Video Talking About Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted, While He Locked Down Over 8.8 Million Citizens and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated [VIDEO]

JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s COVID Czar Caught on Video Talking About Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted, While He Locked Down Over 8.8 Million Citizens and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated [VIDEO]
September 19, 2024

New York City, with a population of over 8.8 million, had some of the most iron-fisted COVID lockdown policies in America. While the ridiculous, unscientific COVID policies in America’s largest city, which is run almost exclusively by Democrats, were destroying businesses and lives, the person in charge of setting those policies was hosting private sex parties with his wife on Wall Street.

In an undercover meeting with a reporter working for Steven Crowder’s popular Mug Club show, Dr. Jay Varma, the former Socialist Mayor Bill De Blasio’s COVID Czar for NYC, was caught revealing stunning details about how he ignored the mandates he pushed on citizens, like no indoor dining, during NYC’s brutal COVID lockdowns.


The first-hand account of Dr. Varma’s wild activities, which flew in the face of the iron-fisted mandates forced on citizens in NYC, is shocking.

In the video below, the senior advisor for public health in the mayor’s office admitted to holding secret drug-fueled sex parties in a room below a bank on Wall Street with his wife. He admitted to hosting parties for between 8-9 individuals and explained how important the sex parties were for him and his fellow sex/drug party participants due to the stress of being locked down. Dr. Varma admitted that he would have been “embarrassed” if anyone found out because his job was to run the COVID response for NYC, which included locking people down and shaming them for not getting the COVID vaccinations. New Yorkers would have been “pissed” if they found out, the sick doctor told the young undercover female reporter.

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it,” he told the female reporter. “I was running the entire COVID response for the city. We rented a hotel—we all took like, you know, Molly/Ecstacy. 8 to 10 of us were in a room. Like just being naked with friends…” he explained.


“We went to some, like, underground dance party—underneath a bank on Wall Street— We were all rolling,” he told the young woman as he laughingly admitted, “This was not Covid-friendly!”

He joked, “I did all this deviant, sexual stuff while I was, you know, like on TV and stuff.”

Dr. Varma reasoned that his job was very difficult and the wild sex and drug parties were necessary to help him “blow off steam.” He casually explained how, while he was forcing everyone else to adhere to his COVID mandates or face serious consequences, he needed to break the rules he placed on the over 8.8 million citizens living in NYC. “The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then,” he said.

Watch the stunning exchange here:

The post JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s COVID Czar Caught on Video Talking About Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted, While He Locked Down Over 8.8 Million Citizens and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated [VIDEO] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Patty McMurray

West Point Needs a Reset

West Point Needs a Reset

West Point Needs a Reset
September 19, 2024

Guest post by Tony Lentini, West Point Graduate

2014 West Point Graduation and Commissioning  by DVIDSHUB

When I attended West Point in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, cadets joked that we got a “$50,000 education, shoved up our a** a nickel at a time.”  Times have sure changed. Today, the cost of an education at the nation’s service academies has risen to an estimated quarter of a million dollars per cadet or midshipman, all funded by our tax dollars.

In the past, such an investment was more than worthwhile; West Point has produced luminaries such as Presidents Grant and Eisenhower, World War II Generals MacArthur, Patton, Arnold, and Bradley, and scores of other accomplished military, political, and business leaders since its inception in 1802.

But in recent times, things have changed. The taxpayer cost of a West Point education has risen, and the Academy’s moral and professional compass seems to have shifted.

The U.S. Military Academy was the nation’s first engineering school, and rightly so, because engineering is a crucial skill on the battlefield. Soldiers must plan and build fortifications, bridges, and other infrastructure and find ways to destroy them.

However, over the last few decades, the Academy has become more of a Liberal Arts College, offering battlefield-irrelevant course materials in such areas as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Critical Race Theory, and Gender Studies. West Point now offers a minor in Diversity & Inclusion Studies.

Although sexual fraternization has been a problem ever since women were first admitted to the Academy in 1976, among its various “Affinity Clubs,” West Point now sponsors a so-called “Spectrum Club” for homosexual and transexual cadets based solely on their sexual orientation. Presumably, such clubs for heterosexual males and females would not be tolerated.

The Cadet Honor Code used to be unequivocal: “A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.”

The penalty for violating the code was expulsion. Now, not so much. The Honor Code is still “managed” by cadets, but punishment for violators is now solely the Superintendent’s purview.

Football players involved in a recent cheating scandal were retained and permitted to play in public competitions, including the Army-Navy and Army-Air Force games, both of which they “won.”

An athlete-cadet watch thief caught on camera at the Post Exchange was allowed to graduate. The Superintendent has characterized the Honor Code as “aspirational” rather than absolute. The same Superintendent recently excised the school’s “Duty, Honor, Country” motto from West Point’s mission statement.

Each cadet company now has cadet “Respect Officers” reminiscent of Soviet Political Commissars to ensure that all bow to the Academy’s now-woke culture. Admissions and advancement are now governed by race and gender over merit.

The school’s Diversity and Inclusion Department has been renamed (for political reasons) but still exists. None of the speakers at last year’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity Leadership Conference expressed any divergent views regarding DEI. Boxing, a warrior’s sport, if there ever was one, is no longer on the intramural schedule.

I was a cadet when the USS Pueblo and its crew were seized in international waters by North Korea. On the door to my barracks room, I rashly posted a map of Southeast Asia with a mushroom cloud replacing that communist country.

It was captioned, “Make South Korea an Island.”  My tactical officer required me to remove my overtly political statement and write an essay on the U.S. military tradition of soldiers subservient to civilian control, as it was clear that the poster questioned Commander-in-Chief Lyndon Baines Johnson’s authority.

I learned a valuable lesson from that. Now, however, things are different. Overlaying everything at West Point today is politics–Leftist politics.

Upon graduation from West Point, we all took an oath as commissioned officers to “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic….”

Enshrined in that document among the very first of our unalienable rights is freedom of speech, yet classmate email lists maintained by the Association of Graduates routinely censor any discussion critical of the Academy’s and the military’s direction.

For example, I recently sent an email to my entire class that shared the website address of The MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates (www.macarthursociety.org), which was formed to push back against woke policies that many of us believe are undermining our alma mater’s mission as well as Army recruiting.

My class president censored the email, stating, “I have reviewed the site and its (sic) information, and I find it to be biased and highly political; therefore, it is not appropriate to be shared with the Class.”

This same class president emailed the class supporting the Superintendent’s decision to remove Duty, Honor, Country from the mission statement and regularly distributes policy positions of current Air Force Secretary and classmate Frank Kendall. I have no problem with such communications, but opposing viewpoints also should be shared.

West Point staffers now routinely violate federal law:  The Freedom of Information Act requires citizen queries to be answered within 20 working days, yet the Academy’s FOIA office now willfully ignores the law. Judicial Watch had to sue to force West Point to share course materials promoting Critical Race Theory, DEI and other woke subjects. I and graduate friends of mine have unanswered FOIA requests going back one, two or more years.

My own FOIA—to determine the fate of cadets who overdosed on fentanyl-laced cocaine on Spring Break two years ago—was completed by West Point in June of this year but now languishes in the “Initial Denial Authority” office at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, 11 months after it was filed. The “Initial Denial Authority” refuses to respond to or acknowledge my emails and phone calls.

As a graduate and, more important, as a taxpayer funding these $250,000 educations, I have a right to know what punishment, if any, those drug-abusing cadets received. Did they graduate? Were they expelled and forced to repay their educational costs by serving as enlisted soldiers? Are drug abusers now permitted to serve in the military at all? I don’t know. We don’t know. And West Point and the Army refuse to enlighten us.

So, here we are: West Point’s officer leadership willfully ignores federal law. And they’re getting away with it. The same is true at our other service academies. This must change.

Tony Lentini is a 1971 West Point graduate. He served five years in the Army, attaining the rank of captain, and then had a successful career in the energy industry, eventually serving as vice president of public and international affairs at two independent oil and gas companies. He is a founding board member of The MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates.

Distributed by: The Stand Up America US Foundation, www.standupamericaus.org

Real Clear Defense, September 12, 2024

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Author: Guest Contributor

Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters
September 19, 2024

Michigan and Pennsylvania are two critical, must-win states in the upcoming election. The so-called swing states are governed by radical Democrat Governors Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro, both of whom were considered top picks for Kamala Harris’ VP candidate.

Michigan’s dirty Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is arguably the nation’s most dishonest and partisan election official in America.

Although Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Albert Schmidt, is a Republican, he was appointed by Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro.

Schmidt was widely criticized following the highly controversial 2020 election for refusing to investigate the results.

President Trump blasted Sec. Schmidt on Twitter, saying he “refuses to look at a mountain of corruption & dishonesty” in Philadelphia, PA, where multiple election observers reported serious election integrity issues.

In June 2023, PA SOS Schmidt defended the failed ERIC system, which was previously under the control of the far-left Democrat hack David Becker, as an important tool in keeping the state’s voter rolls accurate.

It seems like almost every day, a new plot to give Democrats an unfair advantage over Republicans in the upcoming election is uncovered, or some scheme is revealed that gives Democrats the ability to place ineligible voters on the voter rolls.

One of the more disturbing schemes involves automatically registering voters, with or without their knowledge, when they apply for driver’s licenses.

On September 24, 2023, MI SOS Jocelyn Benson announced automatic voter registration in the state of Michigan:

“Making voter registration automatic for eligible citizens means more Michigan residents will have access to participating in our democracy,” Benson said in a release. “I look forward to this both strengthening our democracy and ultimately helping transactions move more quickly in branch offices by eliminating extra paperwork.”

On September 19, 2023, Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro announced automatic voter registration in Pennsylvania:

Starting today, Commonwealth residents who are obtaining new or renewed driver licenses and ID cards and are eligible to vote will be automatically taken through the voter registration application process unless they opt out of doing so. Previously, eligible voters were required to take additional steps to opt into the voter registration process. Today’s changes also increase access to voter registration by adding instructions in five more languages, for a total of 31 languages.

By implementing AVR, Pennsylvania joins a group of 23 states) with leaders from both parties – including Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Georgia, Virginia, and West Virginia – who have taken this step to promote election security and save taxpayers time and money.

Why must an English-speaking nation make voter registration available in 31 languages? Aren’t all of the street signs written in English? If the applicant can’t read English, they can’t read street signs either.

Shouldn’t this concern every driver, or is the inclusion of 31 languages on the driver’s license application simply a way to get non-citizens crossing our southern border from over 100 countries registered to vote in 24 of 50 states?

Illegal aliens in the state of Michigan are allowed to obtain driver’s licenses, but they are warned they will be subject to a misdemeanor if they vote in a federal election.

In September 2023, while the Democrat’s open border plan was in full effect, former President Barack Obama shared the “great news” about voters being automatically registered to vote in Pennsylvania when they apply for a driver’s license. He concluded his tweet by saying he hoped that more states would follow the lead of Pennsylvania (making it easier for non-citizens to vote).

Twitter users destroyed Barack Obama in the comment section under his post, praising automatic voter registrations.  “Righteous Crusader” put the former community organizer’s comments in perspective:

How Democrats Corrupt Elections:

  • Flood the country with millions of illegal aliens
  • Give them all licenses or State ID’s
  • Auto register everyone with either
  • Mail out unsolicited ballots to everyone registered

Pretend the massive fraud that ensues strengthens democracy.

Now, it’s being reported by The Federalist that the Pennsylvania Motor Voter System will be audited for NON-citizen voters.

According to a Right-to-Know request response obtained by Heather Honey, executive director of the Election Research Institute and co-founder of Verity Vote, at least 628,234 noncitizens had a state driver’s license or a non-driver’s license photo identification in Pennsylvania.

Now an investigation has been announced to look at how the state is keeping illegal voters from registering in the process of getting a driver’s license.

Pennsylvania Auditor General Timothy DeFoor, a Republican, sent a letter Monday to PennDOT Secretary Michael Carroll and Neil Weaver, secretary of the Governor’s Office of Administration, informing them that the auditor’s office will be conducting a performance audit of the motor voter registration process.

The audit will look at the automatic voter registration system covering the period between Jan. 1 and June 30.

Specifically, it will look at the implementation of the program, its compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, and how it relates to the state election code. The audit will also “determine whether PennDOT’s Motor Voter interface files sent to the Pennsylvania Department of State properly excluded non-citizens.”

After this story was published by The Federalist, PennDOT Press Secretary Alexis Campbell responded with a lengthy email, insisting, “Non-citizens do not get registered to vote or do not encounter any opportunity to register to vote when getting a driver’s license in Pennsylvania.”

(In 2017, however, then-Pennsylvania Secretary of State Robert Torres announced that a “glitch” at PennDOT had allowed noncitizens to register to vote for decades, and the state has tried to keep records showing the extent of that problem hidden from watchdog groups since then.)

The GOP has flipped the script in PA, to lead in new voters, according to the department of state data.

In Beaver, Berks, and Bucks counties, Republicans have become the registered majority.

Democrats led Beaver County by 2,666 voters in 2022, but the county now has Republican voters ahead by 2,192 voters. Berks County currently has 6,140 more Republicans than Democrats, who used to lead the county by 2,427 voters. And Bucks County recently turned red for the first time in at least a decade, as Democrats lost a 7,668-voter lead and the GOP picked up a 1,096-voter advantage.

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Author: Patty McMurray

Sen. Marshall Demands ABC News and Kamala Harris Turn Over Any Communications Over Suspected Pre-Debate Collusion

Sen. Marshall Demands ABC News and Kamala Harris Turn Over Any Communications Over Suspected Pre-Debate Collusion

Sen. Marshall Demands ABC News and Kamala Harris Turn Over Any Communications Over Suspected Pre-Debate Collusion
September 19, 2024

 U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS)

U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) has publicly called out ABC News for alleged bias and collusion with the Harris-Walz Campaign in the lead-up to last Tuesday’s presidential debate.

Last week, Senator Roger Marshall said that a Senate investigation into ABC News and Kamala Harris’ campaign for suspected collusion has begun.

Now, he wrote a letter addressed to ABC News President Almin Karamehmedovic and Harris-Walz Campaign Manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez.

In the letter, Marshall demanded the release of all pre-debate correspondence and internal communications between ABC and the Harris campaign with the deadline set for September 27.

During the debate, moderators Linsey Davis and David Muir repeatedly fact-checked and interrupted President Trump, refuting several of his claims in real-time. Harris, on the other hand, was allowed to make a series of false statements without challenge.

One of the more striking points raised by Senator Marshall is the long history of personal and financial ties between ABC executives and the Harris-Walz campaign.

Disney Co-Chairman Dana Walden, who oversees ABC News, has been a prominent donor to Harris’s campaigns since at least 2003, raising questions about whether such close connections influenced the network’s debate coverage.

Marshall argues that these relationships create a conflict of interest, calling into question whether ABC News can be trusted to offer impartial coverage in one of the most consequential presidential debates of the election season.

Read his letter below:

“I write to you concerning the blatant partiality of ABC News during the September 10, 2024, debate between President Trump and Vice President Harris. Recent reporting has suggested the possibility that the Harris campaign may have inappropriately influenced the proceedings to benefit Vice President Harris and undermine President Trump.

This was accomplished, among other tactics, via excessive fact-checking of President Trump while allowing Kamala Harris to avoid answering questions directly. If these and other allegations are true, the impartiality of the mainstream media will continue to be questioned by the American people.

In recent years, Americans have increasingly become even more distrustful of the mainstream media’s bias, with recent polling reporting that “only 3 in 10 residents of six of the most important states in this year’s presidential election trust that the media will fairly and accurately report political news.”

Specifically relating to ABC News, independent media watchdogs, such as AllSides Media, have characterized the outlet as displaying a left-lean bias that moderately aligns “with liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and/or policy agendas.”

In recent days and months, these preferences have overtly influenced ABC’s coverage of the 2024 presidential race, with the station producing a 100 percent positive spin score for Vice President Harris, while President Trump has been depicted in an overwhelmingly negative light, garnering a 93 percent negative spin score.

Additionally, the moderators of the September 10, 2024, ABC News presidential debate, Linsey Davis and David Muir, each respectively have histories of demonstrating left-leaning biases.

In 2020, Davis implied that Hillary Clinton had actually won the 2016 election, asking the 2016 Democratic candidate if it would have been easier to lose the election outright rather than to “have really won, but still lost.”

Muir, likewise, has long aligned himself with the left-leaning agenda. On July 24, 2024, Muir claimed that “many people in this country” had “gratitude” for President Biden stepping down “when democracy needed it.”

Muir implying that the Republican Party and the candidate at the top of its ticket are a threat to democracy is disingenuous, especially when the current Democratic presidential nominee won zero votes during the 2024 Democratic primary season.

For these reasons, across both the ABC Network itself and the moderators of the September 10th debate, it is understandable that President Trump expressed hesitancy in the prelude to the debate, stating that he “[didn’t] like the idea of ABC” hosting the event.

On debate night, it became abundantly clear that ABC News and its respective moderators had a biased agenda. Over 67 million Americans watched as a policy exchange between two presidential candidates quickly turned into a three-on-one debate against the Republican nominee.

Davis and Muir repeatedly fact-checked President Trump in real time regarding his arguments, refuting his claims on topics such as the availability of late-term abortions and the effects of thousands of Haitian immigrants on the town of Springfield, Ohio.

Vice President Harris, however, did not receive the same treatment. At one point during the September 10th debate, the Vice President claimed that President Trump had left the United States with the “worst unemployment since the Great Depression.”

Rather than correcting Vice President Harris in real time by contextualizing the economic situation the Biden-Harris Administration inherited in the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic, or by replying that only 19 percent of Americans believe they are in a better financial position since President Biden took office, Davis and Muir sat silent and allowed the Vice President to distort the truth.

Shortly after this exchange, Vice President Harris claimed that “there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, for the first time this century.”

Instead of remaining silent, as the ABC moderators did, Davis and Muir should have fact-checked the Vice President by asking her to tell the families of the three U.S. soldiers killed by Iranian-backed Iraqi militiamen on January 29, 2024, in Jordan that their fallen loved ones were not deployed in a combat zone.

Additionally, Davis and Muir could have brought up the seven American soldiers injured during a September raid on ISIS militants, the eight American servicemembers who received traumatic brain injuries following a drone attack on their base in Syria, or the roughly 50,000 American men and women deployed to the Mediterranean and the Middle East receiving “imminent danger pay” to defend our ally, Israel, who now faces threats on multiple axes due to the Biden-Harris Administration’s weak policies on Iran.

Some commentators, including Democratic operatives such as Doug Schoen, an advisor to New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and Mark Penn, former top advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton, have speculated that this strategy of fact-checking only President Trump may have been planned ahead of the debate and followed coordination between the Harris campaign and ABC.

According to Mark Penn, fact-checking just one candidate would “rig the outcome of this debate.”

Given the close ties between ABC executives and the Harris campaign, Americans are rightly wary but do not know all the details of what was agreed to prior to the debate. For example, Co-Chairman of Disney, Dana Walden, who oversees ABC News, has donated money to Ms. Harris’s political campaigns since at least 2003, and the Vice President has described Walden as an “extraordinary friend.”

For these reasons, I demand that you make public all correspondence, records, and potential coordination between the Harris campaign and ABC News ahead of the September 10th ABC debate.

I also request you publish all internal ABC News texts and emails, both between ABC employees themselves and with the Harris campaign, to elucidate any potential biases that ABC News employees may have demonstrated prior to the debate between President Trump and Vice President Harris.

The American people deserve transparency and accountability from the mainstream media and a full accounting of whether ABC News coordinated with the Harris campaign to skew the debate’s questions and fact-checking in favor of the Vice President.

Please respond by September 27 with the requested information. I appreciate your swift attention to this matter and look forward to receiving your responses.”

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

WHAT A MOMENT: President Trump Gives Young Boy Suffering From Rare Brain Disorder a Special Gift After Seeing Child’s Reaction to His Touching Birthday Card (VIDEO)

WHAT A MOMENT: President Trump Gives Young Boy Suffering From Rare Brain Disorder a Special Gift After Seeing Child’s Reaction to His Touching Birthday Card (VIDEO)

WHAT A MOMENT: President Trump Gives Young Boy Suffering From Rare Brain Disorder a Special Gift After Seeing Child’s Reaction to His Touching Birthday Card (VIDEO)
September 19, 2024

President Trump Give young boy suffering from brain disorder a special gift. (Credit: Breaking 911 X Screenshot)

President Trump gave a young child suffering from a debilitating illness on Wednesday evening a beautiful moment he will never forget after previously sending him a birthday card.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, New York Young Republicans Club advisor Kevin Smith posted a video on X last Thursday of an 8-year-old New York Trump fan named Liam, who received a beautiful and heartwarming birthday letter from his favorite President. According to Smith, Liam suffers from a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency.

After handing the letter to his mom for to read it, Liam started sobbing. When she asked who had signed it, he correctly answered Donald Trump.

Liam’s family shared the video with Smith. He noted that Trump did not ask for or seek credit for this, a true sign of the 45th President’s character.

Then, an even more heartwarming scene unfolded when Liam got an opportunity to meet Trump ahead of the 45th president’s rally in Long Island Wednesday night.

A happy Trump decided to come into a room where Liam and his family were staying and said that while he was supposed to be outside he wanted to give Liam the best present he’s ever had.

“In here is real good stuff,” Trump says to Liam, pointing to the box. “There are real photographers and we’re going to have that picture for life.”

He then asked Liam’s mom if she was going to come out and watch him. Sh responded of course.

Trump then sets the present down while telling Liam’s mom to take care of her boys and leaves the room.


This is the Trump the corporate media does not want you see. Contrary to lies and smears they have hurled his way for decades, the man has a beautiful heart.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger