Dutch election winner Geert Wilders held his victory speech Wednesday evening after winning a sensational 37 seats out of 150 in the Dutch parliament, making the patriotic Freedom Party  PVV the biggest party in the Second Chamber. which elects the government.


— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) November 22, 2023

“The voter has spoken,” Wilders told his cheering supporters in a Café in Scheveningen. “The voter said, we are sick of it! We are sick of it and we want, and we will make sure that the Dutch people are Number 1 again.”

Wilders has been under police protection for 19 years since a crazed Muslim killed Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on his bicycle in Amsterdam 2004, pinning a jihadi letter to his body with a knife, threatening Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who both worked on releasing the feminist, anti-Islamist film “Submission” 2004 after no one would touch it.  Ayaan Hirsi Ali eventually left Europe for the USA in 2006. Wilders has been living in safe houses under police protection ever since.

“The Dutch have hope again. The hope of the Netherlands is that the people will get their country back. That we will ensure that the Netherlands belongs to the Dutch again. That the flood of asylum seekers and immigrants is stemmed.”

“That people will get have money in their wallets again instead of tens of billions of ridiculous spending. That the Netherlands will be safe again. That healthcare will be fixed again. Which party can best achieve this?” (Cheers: PVV!)

“I would like to thank everyone in the Netherlands for their support. 35 seats (actually: 37) is a huge compliment, but also a huge responsibility for us. For every Freedom Party member. Because the hope of all those people, 2 million people voted for the Freedom Party! We will have to do our best to make that happen. We will do that.”

“I am appealing to the other parties. Until now we have been competing in an election campaign. This election is now over. The voter has spoken. Now we have to look for common ground. We will have to work together. PVV wants to do this, wand we are in a wonderful position. We can no longer be ignored by any party.  ”

“That means every party, including ours, will have to compromise. We will have to come up with solutions within the law and the constitution, which ensure that the hopes of the Dutch people, who today have chosen the agenda of hope, will be number 1 again.”

“I don’t know if it will all work out, but it won’t be up to us. Because we want to participate, we want to govern and with 35 seats, we will also govern. The PVV will be in the government.”

The PVV more than doubled its seats in Parliament, from 17 in 2021 to 37 now. Wilders needs 39 more seats to form a coalition government. Caroline van der Plas of the Farmber’s Party BBB (7 seats) has already said she will work with PVV. The RINO center-right parties have insisted they will boycott the Freedom Party. It remains to be seen whether the landslide expression of the people’s will Wednesday may change that.

“The Hamas attack of Oct. 7 really opened my eyes”, a Dutch Indonesian couple told De Telegraaf. “I’ve never voted for the Freedom Party before, but now I will.”  500.000 young Dutch people voted for the first time, many of whom said they were voting for Freedom, including many so-called “people of color”.

Wilders received congratulations from right-wing leaders Viktor Orbán, Matteo Salvini, and Marine le Pen.

The winds of change are here! Congratulations to @geertwilderspvv on winning the Dutch elections! pic.twitter.com/yh9LVcuP5J

— Orbán Viktor (@PM_ViktorOrban) November 22, 2023

Félicitations à @geertwilderspvv et au PVV pour leur performance spectaculaire aux législatives qui confirme l’attachement croissant à la défense des identités nationales. C’est parce qu’il est des peuples qui refusent de voir s’éteindre le flambeau national que l’espoir du…

— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) November 22, 2023

Congratulazioni all’amico @geertwilderspvv, leader del PVV e storico alleato della Lega, per questa straordinaria vittoria elettorale.
Una nuova Europa è possibile: appuntamento domenica 3 dicembre a Firenze. pic.twitter.com/0DnRBG03Cp

— Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) November 22, 2023

The post ‘Dutch Donald Trump’ Geert Wilders: “We Will Make the Netherlands Great Again!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.