RINO Republicans vote to remove conservative George Santos from Congress on Friday 12-1.


On Friday 105 RINO-Uniparty Republicans made the historic move to expel conservative Republican George Santos from Congress. Santos was the most conservative freshman member of Congress. He was vocal, a fighter, and supported Trump.  He needed to be dealt with. There were immediately rumblings that the Kevin McCarthy faction, of course, led the efforts to remove Santos and make it easier for Democrats to continue to destroy the country.

On Saturday morning, Steve Bannon called out Kevin McCarthy for being behind this unprecedented and dangerous move by the RINO establishment.

McCarthy recently said publicly that his faction will target Matt Gaetz next.

It takes 218 members to make a voting majority in the US House of Representatives.

Republicans are now down to 221 voting members.

Thanks to the RINOs on Friday, Republicans only hold a three person majority.

These same Republicans cannot impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, who is leading an invasion of millions into the US through the open southern border.

These same Republicans are unwilling to line up a vote to start impeachment hearings against Joe Biden.

But they removed George Santos, a staunch Republican voter, from Congress.

GOP voters need to WAKE UP!  These frauds DO NOT represent you!

Representative Bill Johnson, (R-OH) announced last week his retirement from the House. He’s taking a new job as president of Youngstown State University.

Now we have a 3 seat Republican majority without George Santos.

Bill Johnson is leaving next month to go take another job.

We’ll have a two seat majority.

Better hope everyone stays healthy or we’re about to flip the House to Democrats without an election.

Bunch of idiots.

— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) December 1, 2023

The post IDIOTS: GOP Rep Announces Retirement Leaving Republicans with Only +3 Majority After They Ousted Conservative George Santos from Congress appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.