White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday absurdly claimed Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Joe Biden’s economy because of Trump.

Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump.

2024 GE: Bloomberg/MC – Swing States poll: Would you say the Economy is/was…?

53% – Better off under Trump
33% – Better off under Biden
Your personal financial situation…

52% – Better off under Trump
30% – Better off under Biden
What is single most important issue… https://t.co/kwpgTWVZzX pic.twitter.com/FBZpDfolaa

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) November 10, 2023

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy repeatedly grilled KJP on Biden’s failed economic agenda that has led to persistent inflation.

“On lowering prices, you said earlier that the actions the President has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that, when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members they were saying to each other. Can you believe how much more affordable things have gotten?” Peter Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre responded with a word salad.

“So honestly, I wouldn’t — I — I hear the question, but I want to make sure this is very clear. We take that very seriously. We take what families — families the decisions that they make at their kitchen table….very seriously. It’s not a joke to us is important to us. This is the president who talks about it in a very personal way…The data shows that the economy is improving. The data shows that households remain in a strong financial position…That’s why the President. at 2:00. is going to talk about — what — the actions that he’s taking to continue to lower costs,” KJP said.


DOOCY TIME: “On lowering prices, you said earlier that the actions the President has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that, when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members they were saying to each other. Can you believe how much more… pic.twitter.com/mn2rxd2sM7

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 27, 2023

Peter Doocy pushed back on Karine Jean-Pierre.

“But why do you think it is that when you say the economy is improving, and President Biden says the economy is improving that a majority of Americans outside of this building are not buying it?” Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre blamed Trump: “So here’s the thing. When we walked into this administration, the economy was on a tail — a tailspin. That is the fact because…the Trump administration, because of how they dealt with — dealt with COVID and the pandemic…The President came in. He passed the American Rescue Plan, which was able to get the economy back on its feet, which is able to open up small business…We actually had to fix the problem that we saw that the last administration left us.”


Doocy: “But why do you think it is that when you say the economy is improving, and President Biden says the economy is improving that a majority of Americans outside of this building are not buying it?”

KJP: “So here’s the thing. When we walked into this administration, the… pic.twitter.com/cF4y42vmZy

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 27, 2023

Doocy pushed back again: “But almost three years in office, inflation is up over 17% since President Biden came here. And you’re saying that it’s still Trump’s fault?”

A very irritated Karine Jean-Pierre insisted prices are going down because of Joe Biden.


Doocy: “But almost three years in office, inflation is up over 17% since President Biden came here. And you’re saying that it’s still Trump’s fault?”

KJP: “Inflation — inflation — Inflation is moderating b/c of the actions that this person — this President has taken. B/c —”… pic.twitter.com/vsWy993HcC

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 27, 2023

Peter Doocy is right. No matter what Joe Biden and his stenographers in the media say, Americans are not happy with ‘Bidenomics.’

Not only are Americans feeling strapped financially because of Joe Biden’s failed economic agenda, Moody’s earlier this month cut the outlook on the US government to negative.

Moody’s Investors Service lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending and deficits.

Earlier this year Moody’s cut its outlook for the entire US banking sector to negative and put six banks on ‘downgrade’ watch.

The credit rating service’s move to downgrade the entire banking sector from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’ will impact borrowing costs.

The post Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Trump After Peter Doocy Repeatedly Asks Her Why Americans Disapprove of Biden Economy (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.