By Jay Valentine

Today, the Fractal team released its review of the Kansas voter rolls.

The leadership of the Kansas Legislature invited the Fractal team to review Kansas rolls to determine if modern technology might be able to improve their accuracy.

Kansas is a state historically in the lead for modern, clean voter rolls.

The Fractal team reviewed the Kansas rolls using Fractal technology.

Fractal is a new tech stack operating a million times faster than any current technology.

As you will see in the video, Kansas voter rolls are plagued with the common problems of states using relational/SQL technology.

Relational SQL technology, according to the Gartner Group, the leading authority on technology trends, is obsolete.  As you will quickly see in the Kansas video, indeed, the 1980s relational technology leaves many issues in modern databases.

We thank Wyandotte and Johnson County governments first for their cooperation in providing their county tax rolls.  We commend both counties on the extraordinary level of detail in those rolls.

The detail was so outstanding we made a separate video showing it.

Kansas is like every state in that its voter rolls accumulate error over decades, aggregating to an error rate significant enough to impact elections. 

Those errors are unable to be seen with current technology – or they would have been removed years ago.

Today’s video targets Kansas.

Kansas from Omega 4 America on Vimeo.

The Fractal team did a cursory analysis of the Kansas rolls.  The material found in this video was identified by one analyst in 3 hours and 18 minutes!

The Fractal team expects further conversations with several states about how to find illegal aliens illegally registered to vote in U.S. elections.

The Fractal team’s concept is that it is now possible to find anomalous voters (voters living in a Walmart) months before an election – and challenge a mail-in ballot being sent to that clearly anomalous address.  Thus, voter eligibility issues are resolved before the election, not afterward in litigation where the plaintiff always loses.

Stay Tuned: The Fractal team is releasing Georgia, Texas, Wisconsin, Alaska, Utah, Nevada, and a number of other states over the upcoming weeks!

As the Fractal analysis demonstrates, voter rolls are not clean – they are not close to clean, and if they were held to the same standards as the financial statements of a Fortune 500 company, under Sarbanes Oxley, the Secretary of State of most states could go to prison.

You can reach the Fractal team at:

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