Car Bomb in Northern Ireland — THIS IS NOT FROM THE U.S. CANADA BORDER!

Warning. This is a Captain Obvious alert. The U.S. mainstream media are a bunch of morons. When news broke today of a car that crashed on the U.S. side of the Canadian border and burst into flames, all of the cable news shows were hitting the terrorism klaxon horn. When I saw the video I knew right away this was not terrorism. What sort of knucklehead terrorist launches an attack while headed to Canada?

Anyway, here’s the video of the car going full Evel Kneivel. Before seeing the video I thought the vehicle could have been a Tesla. Nope. You can see the grill on the front of the car and, as it goes airborne, you can see spray from the ruptured gas tank. All nice and aerosolized so that the car would burst into flames, as it did, when it hit another object as the car returned to earth. Gasoline and hot engines have a very combustible relationship.

Subsequent news reports claim the vehicle was stolen from a nearby casino. If that is true that explains why the two cretins in this car decide to speed up, evade capture and find refuge in Canada. Their plan for escape did not work out. Fortunately, they didn’t kill anyone but themselves. Burnt to a crisp.

Here is a view of the fiery landing.

If that had been a car packed with explosives the small white building in the upper righthand corner of the previous video would not still be standing. You also do not see the blast wave or hundreds of pieces of shrapnel. Here is Fox News embarrassing itself, though it was not alone in overreacting to the “news.”

Want to see a real car bomb. The following was filmed in the Sinai.

That is a car bomb. Questions?

The post THIS IS NOT A CAR BOMB AND IT IS NOT A TERRORIST ATTACK appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.