Retired Army Ranger Jeremy Brown, the face of an American patriot.

Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.

Jeremy Brown served his country honorably.

Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. His crime was, in reality, refusing to be an FBI informant, as TGP described in several previous posts.

As The Gateway Pundit reported two years ago, Jeremy Brown refused to be an informant for the dirty FBI — They wanted him to be one of their undercover operatives at the Jan. 6 Trump rallies. He refused, So they stormed his home at 3:45 PM on a Thursday in October 2021 and arrested him on bogus misdemeanor charges.

Today, Jeremy Brown, who served his country honorably, sits in prison after a kangaroo court found him guilty of trumped-up charges.

Jeremy is being punished for what he would not do – be an informant for the regime.

Jeremy sent The Gateway Pundit this letter for Thanksgiving.

** Please donate to Jeremy Brown’s defense fund if you can.

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Dear Gateway Pundit Readers,

This is Jeremy Brown writing to you from the “Citrus County Resort for Threat to Democracy”.

As a 20 year Retired US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant and Combat Veteran, I wear the “Threat to OUR Democracy” label proudly because at age 17, I swore an Oath to this very cause, because my Oath is to the US Constitution and Article IV, Section 4 of that document clearly states a truth they attempt to overwrite with their Orwellian control of words,  “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” NOT a “Mob Rule through corrupted elections” democracy like they have convinced so many to believe.

Because of this Oath I have spent over two years in jails and Federal Courtrooms and three plus years total fighting the FBI, DOJ and DOD.

On December 9, 2020, fhe Covert Interagency Joint Terrorism Task Force, of FBI and DHS, came to Jeremy Brown’s door hoping to enlist him as an operative on Jan. 6.

On December 9th, 2020, the Covert Interagency “Joint Terrorism Task Force” that masquerades as a FBI Law Enforcement effort, attempted to involve me in their crimes and secret Military/Intelligence/Law Enforcement  coup against the American People. I recorded that attempt and as a result, I have been falsely convicted of crimes they staged and fabricated.

What they expected was for me to seek self preservation, break down and plead guilty to their manufactured charges. Instead I fought back by dragging their lies before a Jury. As expected, they lied, cheated and won at all cost. What were those costs? They broke the law! In their haste to frame me, they made major mistakes and I CAUGHT THEM!

On October 23rd, 2023 my Federal Appeal was filed with the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals and I’m sure Mr. Hoft has been gracious enough to post it for your situational awareness and reading enjoyment. This appeal was ONLY possible because of thousands of generous American Patriots from nearly every State and a few foreign countries. American Patriots like YOU! This fight has cost nearly a half million dollars just to get to this point.

Now, my next battle is a direct attack against the false narrative of January 6th in a DC Federal Courtroom. That carefully constructed but completely false narrative had two main purposes:

1) cover-up a Military/Intelligence/Law Enforcement Coup to unseat a sitting President and prevent exposure of the election fraud used to achieve it, and
2) Target his supporters and ANYONE questioning their rigged elections or any of their Anti-American schemes and brand us ALL as “Domestic Terrorist”.

So, today I am asking for your continued help and financial support in this fight. I am trying to raise additional funds for the D.C. phase of this Lawfare. We know this case will simply be one more January 6th Soviet Style Show Trial, but my strategy is to get it all on the record, knowing the victory will have to come in the Appeals Courts, possibly even the US Supreme Court.

I am willing to take this fight to the Domestic Enemies of our Constitution that my Oath describes. I am willing to wage it from my American Gulag Cell, but I need your help to fund it. If you want to see what your support will pay for, just read our Appeals brief. If you think Liberty is worth the fight, please consider a donation in whatever amount it’s worth to you.

To me, Liberty is worth my Life, my Fortune and my Scared Honor and I hope you see my fight as proof of that.

If you need more information about me, please search the Gateway Pundit for past coverage and visit for other interviews and the link to “The Fusion Cell”, our nightly PODCAST from my jail cell.

Thank You and may God Bless the America we were meant to be and may he restore our Republic to that once great glory.

De Oppresso Liber.
Jeremy Brown,
US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.),
Inmate #67547509

The post This Thanksgiving Please Donate to American Hero and J6 Political Prisoner Jeremy Brown – Who Sits in Prison Today Because He Refused to Be an Informant for the Regime on Jan. 6 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.