The news out of Ukraine late today is dire for Volodomyr Zelenksy. General Zaluzhny reportedly gave him the Clint Eastwood threat, “Go ahead punk; make my day. According to a Ukrainian Telegram channel:

Zelensky demanded that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhny, resign of his own free will or due to health problems, etc. (to leave for any personal reason in order to avert suspicions that the commander-in-chief is being leaked personally by ZeErmak).

Zaluzhny refused to leave himself, believing that he brought many victories to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, saved many lives of ordinary soldiers and did/will do a lot more good. According to the source, Zaluzhny said directly in army style: “I myself will not leave, if you are personally dissatisfied with me – “fire”, but this will be your personal decision for which you will have to answer.”

Start your countdown clock. If this report is true then Zaluzhny has taken the first step in launching a coup to oust Zelensky (the Penis Piano Player). When you’re in the military and you refuse an order like the one reported above you are in a state of rebellion. You either win or you die/are defeated. As I have written previously, when it comes to a coup I always bet on the guy with the guns. In this case, Zaluzhny has more guns than Zelensky and he and his team have better fire discipline.

All of this is taking place against the back drop of the Republicans growing a spine and refusing to approve Biden’s funding request for Ukraine until that cranky, old man ponies up a solid border protection program. In short, Ukraine will be out of U.S. tax payer dollars to steal in a few weeks and there is no hope of new funding in sight.

Meanwhile, Russia does not know there is a war on. It is discussed on some popular radio shows and the TV, but I have not seen any protests, any signs or any graffiti. I did see one soldier strolling across Red Square and he appeared relaxed, just taking in the sights.

Speaking of sights, Red Square in Moscow is phenomenal. It is a major winter party and the five inches of snow that fell on Sunday simply adds to the festive atmosphere.

I am standing in the middle of Red Square. Lenin’s tomb is to the right of me as you look at the picture. That is St. Basil’s Church over my shoulder. Guess what? No homeless. No one defecating on the cobblestones. No maurading muggers. Just a bunch of people keen on celebrating Christmas.

The post Ukraine’s Zelensky Running out of Time While Russia Motors On appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.