The liberal Washington Post suddenly cares about the border crisis and illegal immigration. Why? Because it’s becoming a political problem for the Democrat party. That’s all the WaPo really cares about.

They didn’t see the border crisis as a problem as long as it was just red states like Texas that had to deal with it.

Now the issue is polling badly and they’re ringing an alarm bell for the Dems.

From the Washington Post:

Democrats’ border problem is getting real

Panicky Democrats don’t need anything else to fret about ahead of the 2024 election. But high on the list of things that probably should register for them right now is the southern border.

That’s because the pro-immigration moment that Donald Trump rather unwittingly ushered in appears to be coming to a close. Even the Democratic base is concerned.

Remarkable polling results came out of New York on Monday. Even Democrats in this Siena College poll are saying things that sound somewhat reminiscent of the views of immigration hawks in the GOP:

– Nearly as many New York Democrats said migrants coming to the state over the past 20 years have been a “burden” (35 percent) as said they have been a “benefit” (37 percent).

– 75 percent of New York Democrats said the recent influx of migrants to the state was at least a “somewhat serious” problem. Nearly half (47 percent) said it was a “very serious” problem.

– 53 percent of New York Democrats agreed with the statement that “New Yorkers have already done enough for new migrants and should now work to slow the flow of migrants to New York.” (The alternative was that the state should “accept new migrants and work to assimilate them into New York,” a position with which 41 percent of the Democratic respondents agreed.)

It’s so obvious why the WaPo suddenly cares about this.

Apparently it didn’t matter until it started showing up in the polls. Of course, by that time enormous damage had been done.

— Byron York (@ByronYork) November 21, 2023

Everyone can see it.

The post Washington Post Suddenly Worried About the Border Crisis – After It Becomes a Political Problem for Democrats appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.